Chapter 4

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It was 2:37 am, you got out of the bed and quietly walked down the hallway not making a sound. You then reached the test room and opened the door, closing it behind you quietly.

You walked over to the cage where the huge mutant turtle was in. You looked in side the cage to see it was still chained up. You slowly reached out for the lock on the cage door, you felt your heart going fast as you unlocked the cage and opened it, the cage door made a terrible sound as it opened.

When you stepped in the cage, the turtles head looked up to look at you, your eyes locked with his blue ones. A shiver went down your spine and your heart was pounding so loud that the mutant could even hear. Then the turtle started to make a quite hissing sound, you froze. You suddenly remembered what Sarah once told you, animals could smell fear. It could sense how scared you were, which proudly made it scared too.

You closed your eyes and took a beep breath, then slowly exhaled. Them the hissing stopped, you opened your eyes to look back at the mutants dark blue eyes. The turtles face still had a angry expression and his mouth slightly opened to see his sharp teeth. It was breathing heavily, so were you. You guessed it still didn't trust you so much. So you decided to try and calm it down. "L-look....I'm not going to do any tests on you....I-I'm just h-here to out.." You said as You hugged myself for dear life, trying to calm down.

He then closed his mouth and his face softened into a 'sorry' look, he lowered his head down. To you that was a sign of him allowing you to come closer, so you did. You slowly walked over to the huge mutant, and with every step you got closer, the more your heart was pounding. Finally, you were beside the turtle.

You reached out to his left handcuff with shanking hands, you could see the turtles eyes where watching you as you touched his hand. You quickly unlocked his cuff and then with out warning he broke his right cuff off of his wrist with his left hand. You stepped back with shock. 'He must be really strong.' You thought.

He glanced at you, then walked out of the cage. You followed him out of the cage and watched as he looked around the test room. Then he pulled out two huge swords. You gasped, he looked at you. You slowly walked away from him, fear was again running in your small body.

Then it hit you, not the swords no, the memories of the night where you were about to loose your life. Those looked like the exact same swords that you saw! But instead of him killing you, like you thought he would do, he put the two skinny swords behind his back.

Then he walked over to the window and opened it. When he was about to jump out you stopped him. "W-wait!" you said a little bit too loud. He turned around to look  at you with his ice cold blue eyes. You froze, then let out a huge breath of air you were holding in. "Are...y-you the one....who..s-saved me..two nights ago?" You asked in a whisper, stepping closer to the turtle. He nodded.

You gasped with shock, he was the one who saved you! "Thank you." You said smiling up at the mutant. He smile back, "Your welcome." His eyes then fell down to your body. You blushed as his smile widened. "Nice Pjs." Then in a flash, he was gone. You looked down to see you were wearing your blue and white Pjs with ducks on them. You smacked your hand on your forehead. "....shit....." You said, laughing, thinking how stupid you were to forget about the cloths you were wearing.


Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! I'm so sorry if that was a really lame chapter!!!!!! I promise the next one will be awesome!!!!! And i will try my hardest to get the next chapter updated as soon as I can! Please remember to vote and comment! It helps me so much! Thank you! :))

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