Another one

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Alright guys here's the second part, I wanted to know if you guys had any good ideas for the cover of the story, if you do please let me know :) Enjoy

Chapter 2

When the class ended everyone stood up and walked out the door saying goodbye’s and see you tomorrow.

After the last person walked out I looked up and saw Jason smirking at me.

I walked around my desk and leaned on the front of it with my legs crossed smirking back at him.

When he got in front of me he put both hands beside mines and leaned closer to me till his mouth was next to my ear his lips brushing it lightly.

“You” was all he whispered before straightening up and walking to the door, “Come, I have to show you where your next class is.”

He sent a smirk my way before walking out the door knowing I would follow him, I put my drawing materials and notebook inside my bag and grabbed my purse and bag going after him.

“Hey wait Jason, hold up, these things aren’t that easy to carry” I yelled after him, he turned to look at me and sent me another smirk before coming my way and getting my bag putting it over his shoulder holding it with his hand and told me to follow him.

“So to what class do I have to show you to?”

I looked up at him hating how tall he was over my small figure “I have photography now”

He nodded and started walking down hallways with me beside him trying to remember the way so I wouldn’t get lost. “Say wouldn’t your next teacher get mad at you for being late to class?” I asked him worried I didn’t need any enemies on the first day.

He sent me a lopsided grin “I’m sure Mr. Snow won’t mind” he shrugged.

I looked at him with wide eyes ‘Oh he will be more than pissed knowing that I was hanging out with the hottest guy in school.’ I thought.

He looked at my expression and cracked up laughing like I was the funniest thing on earth. “Chill out Jane, since it’s your first day here I’m sure you haven’t heard so I’ll let you in on my secret before someone tells you some bullshit.”

We had reached the classroom and were standing outside the door, I looked at him anxious for him to tell me something else about him; he chuckled before he leaned into my ear and whispered “I am one of the boys in this entire school that has beaten Mr. Snow."

I shivered feeling his hot breath so close to my neck and then I realized what he said and leaned away from him with an amazed look on my face, but once I saw his smirk I looked at him blankly knowing I had boosted up his ego with it.

“Good for you” I told him, “hope your parents are proud” I took my bag from him turning around going inside the classroom, smiling up at everybody when I reach the middle of the class I sneaked a peak to the door and saw him smirking my way, he winked at me before leaving, closing the door.

“Alright class so why don’t we introduce ourselves and we can do a fun assignment”….

After everybody introduced themselves and I told them about myself we did a little assignment of taking a picture that represented them and if they didn’t have their cameras they could take it at home and show me next time we saw each other.

After that I looked around the classroom seeing a brown curly haired kid with dark brown eyes staring at me, I smiled up at him and motioned my hands for him to come to my desk, he stood up confused.

Once he reached my desk I looked up at him with a smile on my face, “Hey, what was your name again?”

He looked at me weirdly “You know that you can’t hit on the students right?”

I let out a laugh asking myself why every male thought I was hitting on them; once I stopped laughing I wiped the tears on my eyes and looked up at him now looking even more confused.

“I’m not hitting on you boy” I told him smirking seeing his face get mad when I called him a boy when he looked a year younger than me. “I was wondering why you were alone on my class and not doing your work” I raised an eyebrow at him.

He leaned on my desk with his palms resting on the wood leaning so close to me that I could feel his strawberry breath on my face making me smirk up at him.

“Look here girl I don’t plan on respecting you because we are basically the same age and I don’t think that you have any right to be the teacher and making us do what you want instead you should be sitting with the rest of us learning” he growled on my face.

I leaned forward till our noses were touching knowing some of my cleavage was showing making his eyes drift downwards, “My eyes are up here boy” once he looked into my eyes again I saw him suck up a breath and he started leaning backwards with a coming blush to his cheeks.

‘Oh no’ I thought ‘this boy turned me on and now he’s going to pay for it’

I grabbed his shirt and told him lowly “Stay after class; when everybody leaves, you stay, got it?” I spoke to him firmly.

I saw his Adam apple go up and down as he swallowed and he nodded his head at me. “Yes...”

“Yes what?” I urged him on.

“Yes Ms. Hunter”

I let go of him “Good, now go back to your seat and let no one know of this.”

I saw him climb up the middle stairs to get to the last row and sit down stealing a glance at me, he saw I was looking so he wiped his phone out and started texting someone, hopefully not about what happened.

After class ended students started walking out saying goodbyes, and I saw that he was still here and that I didn’t get his name in the end, but he will have to tell me now. As the last person walked out I closed the door turning around jumping a mile in the air seeing that he was behind me with a serious face on.

“What did you need me to stay for?”

He looked like he was about to fight, there was such tension around him. I looked up into his brown eyes and smiled like a devil.

“How long has it been since you have gotten any?” I smirked at him, I saw his eyes go wide and swallow nervously before he looked anywhere around the room except me, that was answer enough. I walked up to him pressing the front of my body against his, I could feel how much he wanted it by the poking i felt on my thigh.

I wrapped my arms around his neck bringing his lips down to mine, savoring the feel of his strawberry breath so close to me, I opened his mouth with my own and touched his tongue with mines slowly, teasing him, till he couldn’t hold it any longer and grabbed me around the waist crunching my body into his and kissing me so passionately I felt light headed for a moment, then I heard the door open.

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