A kiss?

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Well here's the next part guys, enjoy

Chapter 4

“That’s your boyfriend coach? The wrestling teacher? I did not see that coming” A boy said whistling at the end. A few boys nodded agreeing with him.

“Boyfriend?” I heard Brandon ask, I look at him and sent him a curious look.

“Boyfriend” I said but it sounded a little like a question making him confused.

“Well I wanted to see if you haven’t cheated on me seeing as its only you against a dozen boys, as much as I trust your fighting abilities I’m not sure you can beat all of them together.” Lucas said smirking throwing his arm over my shoulder making me look innocently up at him before grabbing his hand and twisting it making him flip and get thrown on the floor on his back.

I climbed on top of him straddling his waist making him smirk even wider “Missed me that much?”

I rolled my eyes at his comment and then I heard a boy saying that he needed a cold shower making all the boys laugh at him but agree.

“Alright boys go head to the showers if you want, meet me here in 20 if you will, I got unfinished business with this one” I said pointing at Lucas.

“Alright coach but don’t taint the Gym so early we probably have to lay down on it sooner or later and I don’t want to feel anything stick to my body or clothes that comes from him” I heard Jason say sounding amused but a little angry.

All the boys went to the direction of the shower but I saw that Sean was still here. I looked at him and then I heard Lucas clearing his throat. I got up and extended a hand towards Lucas, he took it and pulled himself up, after letting go of my hand he turned towards Sean with a hard expression.

“Wow what did you do to make him look angry Sean?” I turned to Sean making his eyes go wide and shrug his shoulders as if he himself didn’t know what he did. I looked at Lucas curious about what this was about, I poked his side making him yelp and jump a mile in the air.

Good to know he isn’t mad enough to not be ticklish. “Want to tell me what’s wrong babe?” I wrapped one arm around his waist and leaned into him; he snapped his eyes to me giving me a hard look. I was getting a little scared, I mean I haven’t seen Lucas this mad since my ex hit me and that was before I took the K-9 training.

I felt someone pull me away from Lucas and wrap their arms around me. I looked up and happened to see Sean, “Ummm” I didn’t know what to say.

“Sorry, I mean he can be mad at me for no reason, but when I saw him get mad at you I thought he was going to hit you or something” Sean was speaking to me but he never once looked at me, his eyes were set on Lucas watching him like a lion on his prey, just waiting for it to launch.

I spaced out looking at his eyelashes and his curly brown hair wanting to run my hands through those curls again, my gaze went down to his lips remembering the kissed we shared. Unconsciously I ran my tongue over my lips distracted, not even remembering that Lucas was mad at something to do with Sean.

Once I heard laughing I snapped out of it looking at Sean seeing him glance at me looking kind of weird as if he was holding back, my attention snapped to Lucas who was on the floor cracking up like there was no tomorrow.

“What the fuck Lucas” I snapped at him, making him wipe his tears away and look at me chuckling.

“I can’t believe you were checking him out while I was trying to look mad at the kid, I’ll give you points for holding back kid I know how irresistible she is” Lucas winked at Sean leaving us dumbfounded.

Sean looked at me and suddenly a smirk formed on his lips “Am I irresistible Jane?”

I heard Lucas crack up again and I was starting to get pissed at them both. “You know what?” I snapped at them both.

“Lucas no sex for you for a month and you Sean well here I was going to solve your needs” I said grabbing his curls and bringing him close to me tempting him “but now I don’t even want to see your fucking face” I growled at him letting go of his curls roughly and walking away to the boys locker room, needing to speak to Jason or maybe Brandon.

As soon as I walked in all the boys were with a white towel around their waist talking and laughing amongst themselves. I felt someone wrap their arm around my shoulders making me look up and see Brandon smiling down at me, I distractedly looked at his 8 pack and all his muscles wishing we were alone.

“Coach is here guys, hurry up!” he screamed at the other boys making me snap out of my thoughts.

“No, no you boys take your time, I’m enjoying this” I was smirking looking at all the boys with their surprised face on.

“You’re just a flirt Jane” I heard Jason say making me look his way and stare at his dripping blonde hair and the water droplets run all along his body. I staring so intensely at him I saw a bulge starting to form on his pants.

I looked away before I got caught “You boys are making me want to shower next time with you all” I said making them all cheer saying that I was welcomed.

I felt Brandon’s grip get a little tight on my shoulder making me look at him raising an eyebrow “What you want to shower alone with me?” I said turning my body to him making him drop his arm allowing me to press my body against his.

I felt his arm go around my waist making me smirk, I extended my arms and wrapped them around his neck bringing him down to me making all the boys go quiet wondering if I really was going to kiss him.

I smirked wider knowing they could all see it and brought my face up opening mouth and quickly licking the tip of his nose making him back away from me wiping his nose getting red while all the other boys sighed in relief and laughed.

I turned to all the boys “So boys get dressed so you can go home, see you tomorrow” I waved goodbye at them making them wolf whistle while I walked out making me shake my head.

As I walked back to the gym I saw Lucas and Sean standing up side by side with their arms crossed and a mad face on. “If you guys want to fool me again I’m just going to say that it isn’t working” I said sighing getting annoyed.

Lucas uncrossed his arms and walked to me wrapping me up in his arms hugging me tightly leaning his mouth to my ear whispering to me “You’re going to pay for that no sex for a month, I promise, by the way, love you” he leaned away “see you at home babe”.

He walked out of the gym leaving me confused but then that’s Lucas for you; I glanced at Sean jumping back scared not noticing that he had moved closer to me. “Just so you know Jane I never asked you to satisfy nothing of mine so that wasn’t really a threat for me” he said looking into my eyes.

“Oh really? Then why are you mad?” I smirk at him

“Because I saw you in the lockers kissing Brandon”

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