My apartment

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Chapter 5

Oh so that’s what this was, jealousy, but I never kissed Brandon, then I realized that from the locker room’s door it would’ve looked like we were kissing.

I shook my head at him “I didn’t kiss him Sean I got close to him and licked his nose to tease all the boys but I didn’t kiss him, gosh that sounded so much better in my head” I looked at Sean seeing him look surprised at me.

“So you didn’t kiss him?”

“Nop” I got close to him and held by the front of his shorts bringing his lips to mine, not waiting for him I started moving my lips and after a few seconds he started responding making me moan and grab the sides of his shirt bringing him impossibly closer.

I separated my lips from his breathing heavily; I looked at his lips and pecked them softly.

I let go of him licking my lips, “I should go before the boys come out and see us. I’ll see you tomorrow” I was going for the door, but got stopped, I looked at Sean confused.

“So that’s it? You kiss me and then leave with ‘see you tomorrow’ and walk out the door?”

“Ummm what do you expect me to do, if someone sees us I will get fired and you will get expelled” I looked at him not wanting to leave him but at least for today I had to, I will see him tomorrow.

“Can I see you later? Out of school I mean? Your place or mine? Please let me meet you Jane, I can’t wait till tomorrow to see you.”

I could hear the boys opening the locker room door, I looked at Sean worried that they will see us, but he acted before I could say anything. He grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the gym, I looked around and saw no one; we were safe for a few seconds.

“Can you help me carry my art supplies to my car?” I said hinting that there was something behind it.

As we were walking in the direction of the car the bell ran signaling another class had ended and some people were leaving too.

I noticed Lucas’ car was gone, he must have left already.

We finally got to the car and I put my supplies in trunk of the Mustang, I looked at Sean smiling at him “come here” I opened the driver’s door and got in scrolling down the window looking at him.

“I want you to follow me at a safe distance, make sure no one takes notice of it okay? I will meet you at my apartment it’s a 10 minute drive from here”

“Don’t you live with Lucas though?”

I shook my head “I’m always at his house ‘cause he cooks dinner for me, but I have my own apartment”

Sean nodded in understanding “Alright I’ll see you at your place”

I smiled at him and started the car “Oh Sean which one is your car, in case I lose you.”

He smirked at me and pointing at the black bike behind making me gap at it and smirk at him. “Alright let’s see if I can lose you then”

I put on reverse and backed out of the parking lot, speeding past the students making them gap at me. I checked my rearview mirror seeing Sean following me with his helmet on looking irresistible. As soon as I was out of the school zone I sped and got on the highway going way past the speed limit.

I dodged cars and found my exit making a run for it, stopping on the red light I check my rearview mirror and I can’t see Sean, thinking I lost him I grin in triumph, but then my smile is gone thinking that he won’t find my apartment.

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