Chapter 1 : [That certain calmness of sweet death.]

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The peace and serenity was calming, I lay back in the bench seat with my eyes closed and arms behind my head.
I groan in annoyance as Roy stomps over to me. I open one eye, looking Mustang up and down as his left eye twitches with annoyance. "What Flameboy." I state. Roy huffs. "I'm gonna burn your ass in a minute." Roy growls, "Perverted much?" I retort. He growls again. "Off topic. You need to go to the meeting room. We have something to discuss." Mustang walks away. I shrug, standing up I head towards the meeting room.

I kick the door open with my foot, the door opens fast with a bang. Well that was louder than expected considering everyone is looking at me 'Oh for fu-' "Ah, Miss L/N. Please, take a seat." Bradley smiles in way that kind of scares me, too friendly. I nod slowly and sit down in a seat. I was sat in a seat near the door, with a blond haired boy next to me and and tin man at the very end of the table next to him. Since the conversation was boring, even though probably really important, I decide that it's a good idea to pull out my mini sketch book and pencil and juts draw random things. I unconsciously draw the guy sitting next to me, and before I know it I have a rough sketch of the blond boy. I hear a very small 'Woah.' from the seat next to me just to see that blondie is staring at my little sketch book with a look of awe and a small smile curving his lips. His gaze then shifts to me as he seems to notice that I was staring, he looks...dazed. His had glazed over and he did move an inch. Neither did I. "Alchemist?" I jump nearly five miles as a voice booms, "Fuck-shit-yes?" I turn to Colonel Mustang. "Language please, children are present." "Yeah, I know. Hi, nice to meetcha!" I sarcastically put out my hand for him to shake. (A/N: You are close to Ed's age. Well, just pretend you are either over 12 and younger than 18, the default age is just gonna be 14.) Mustang rolls his eyes. "Hahah, very funny. Now actually listen, stop drawing and flirting with Fullmetal." I flinch. "You what mate?" I growl [A/N: And there you see my Yorkshire coming out]. Roy lets out a low chuckle. Realising that the room was completely silent and that Mustang and I's voice was the only ones to be heard, I look around to see everyone staring at me. Some whispering to one another, some shaking their heads in disapproval or just giving me straight out glares. I start to feel quite awkward as this has been going on for a few minutes.

Feeling a certain and very familiar nervousness and embarrassment start to bubble, the feeling mostly in my chest, I suddenly dash towards the door and slam them open, sprinting down the hall. I heard Mustang, Hawkeye, Havoc and a childish sounding voice shouting after me. After turning a few corners, ending up back at the room that I was just in, I decide to try and exit through the front doors just to be grabbed and pulled into closet. Some shouts neared the outside of the closet. The being who grabbed me still had their arms tightly wrapped around mine. "Shh..." I did as the voice said. "Hey...are you okay?" The voice sounded like the childish one I heard earlier. I nodded. Suddenly, the closet doors swung open with light pouring in, Mustang stood at the door frame. "What happened just now?" Mustang looked concerned.

I fiddle with my fingers. "I...uh.." -BANG- I flinch. We all look around, I step out of the closet quickly as for a fraction of a second I see smoke, fire and the ground was shaking. Another loud bang goes off, everything happens so fast that I could hardly keep up. The ground shakes even more, the next I know it I'm on the floor screaming pain and lying a pool of blood. Lust. I lay motionless, still trying to call out for help. I could just make out a crowd of people running to the exit, some laying dead or injured on the floor. It hurt to breathe, I could hear my heart beat starting to slowly fade. Ringing in my ears and blurry vision. Frequent one second black outs. And weightlessness. Small arms wrap around me and lift me up, I wince but I couldn't really show it. Muffled voices. "Brother!" A child's voice shouts in worry. "Go Al! We need to get out of here!" Fullmetal? I turn my head from looking at the ground to looking up at Fullmetal. I grabbed his red coat weakly, he suddenly looks down at me with a pained look. I try to smile. He sees my efforts and smiles back. "Don't worry. You'll be okay, I'll make sure that you'll be okay!" I nod.

And then...






[A/N: Fuck! I haven't written this story for freaking months! Welp, this is the edited version since this was my first story that I did. So, it was shit XD Anys, I hope this is better. See you later! ]

-  Alchemist Shini, Out!

Picture link:

The art is by zzyzzyy on DeviantArt.

【Alchemist!】An Edward Elric X Reader (On hold)Where stories live. Discover now