Chapter 5: [Killing time.]

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=First person POV=

After catching up with everyone at HQ, they all wished us a safe journey home and that they hope to see me in the next week or so. We met Alphonse and Winry outside HQ and we all decided to have a look around in the shops in Central.
After a while, we decided it would be best to get home, and so we went to the train station and waited for the train. I was pretty tired, even though you'd think that Edward would be knackered since he carried me all day, I think I'm still exhausted from the surgery yesterday. We got on the train and headed back home.

The train came to a halt and we stepped out. As we were walking down the dirt road, I decided to close my eyes just to rest them. "Brother." Alphonse's voice whispers. "Hmm? Yes Al?...Oh, is she asleep? Hahah, she must be tired." Edward noted. "I ship you two." Winry mocked. "What?" Edward muttered softly. "Heheh, nothin'." Winry snickered with Edward letting out a sigh.

"Hey, [y/n]? We're back home, you need to wake up now." I open my eyes to Edward stood in front of me, leaning forward towards me. "Hmm?" "We're gonna attach your automail, remember?" Edward gently intoned. "Oh, yeah." Edward helps me up and brings me Winry's mechanic's shop. I sit down on a chair as Winry brings over the automail leg. Edward puts his hands on my right shoulder and presses down lightly, "This hurts so I'm gonna have to hold you down." "I know, I do have automail already." I said. "[y/n], I'm gonna attach it now," Winry says blankly as she lines up the automail to the support, "Ed, I'll need you to hold her down since because of how her leg was amputated, the nerves are connected in a different way than yours, hers will be a bit more painful and she may flinch...a lot, more that her body will go into a bit of a spasm." "Nice to know." I murmur sarcastically, rolling my eyes. Winry huffs, rolling her eyes too with a half smile. "Three, two, one." A bolt of pain runs up from my hip and straight up my back to my neck. Edward pushes down on my shoulder a bit harder as to keep me down, since I my body twitched a bit. I groan. "Well, that's definitely worse than my arm." I grimace. My eyes were closed as I rub my hip, just in between were my automail meets my skin. A warm hand is placed on my cheek, turning me to face somewhere else. I open my eyes to see Edward. "You okay?" Edward asks with concern. I nod, "Yeah."

"Hey, Edward? Can you help me up?" I suggest. "Yeah." I sling my arm around his shoulder as he puts his arm under my arm and across my back. He lifts me up and I tell him to let go. He hesitantly lets go of me, allowing me to shift my automail leg forward. I stutter a little but manage to walk to the door. "Okay that feels weirder that my arm." I smile at the weird sensation of being able to walk again. "Hey, Edward. Wanna go for a run?" I turn around to him with an eager smile. "Are you sure you can run? You nearly fell just walking to the door." Edward crosses his arms and gives me a kind of sassy look. "Yeah, come on! It'll be fun!" I run up to him and tug on his shirt. Edward gives a light chuckle before nodding. "Okay, you go ahead, I'll catch up. But don't go too far without me." Edward sighs. I nod eagerly and quickly, "Sure! See you outside!" I am still grinning widely as I run out of the house and down the dirt road. It felt weird, running. Slamming my feet against the ground and only feeling my right foot make contact with the ground, the vibrations of the impact climbing up my leg, but only in the right. The clacking of clashing metal. Metal springs, coiling together where the muscles would be so that I could bring my leg in. Being able to get around independently feels wonderful.

I stop, bending over slightly with my hands on my knees and out of breath. I didn't realise that I had been running for so long until I finally take in my surroundings. Charcoal? Slightly burned wood and a lot of rubble. I straighten myself up, looking at what seemed to be burnt wood, bricks, metal and the scarce few parts of what seems to be furniture. "What happened here?" I breathe out, slightly confused. "[y/n]!" I am snapped out of my daze by Edward's voice shouting for me. 'oh shit, he said I shouldn't go too far.' "[y/n].." Edward was out of breath by the time he reached me. "I told you not to go too far, what if you fell or something went wrong with your automail?" He breathed out with frustration. "Sorry.." I was still dazed by the sight in front of me. Edward notices where my eyes were looking at and follows my gaze, a seemingly dark expression falling over his face. "We need to go back now." His voice was now cold like ice. I turn towards him, to see him gazing at me with a dead glare. "Edward?" My voice wavers slightly. "Come on." He snaps as he turns away from me and starts to walk. "What happened here?" He doesn't answer. "Ed." He stops, turning his head slightly to the side, looking at me through the corner of his eye. "You've never called me that..." "..What happened here?" I raise my voice slightly. And then, silence. The air hung heavy. "I...burned it down." He turns around to me fully. The cold glare turns to an expression of pain. He sad, so guilty. "Because...I did something bad, I guess you could say..." He hiccups, his hair falling in front of his face. "Edward..?" I step forward but he steps back. "It's my fault," His voice shakes, "It's all my fault." Something drops from his chin, which I recognise to be a tear. He hiccups again, nearly choking back the tears.

I walk forward quickly, wrapping my arms around his waist and hugging him. He immediately returns the hug, nuzzling his lips into my collar bone and wrapping his arms around my waist and across my back like I am doing with him. He cries into my shoulder. I rub his back, whispering "You're okay. You're okay. It's okay.." Repeatedly. After a while, he stops crying and lifts his head from my shoulder. "I'm sorry, huh. I'm weak, aren't I?" He chuckles morosely. I shake my head gently, "No, you're not weak. You can cry in front of me, I don't mind." I smile. "But that's not very manly." "I don't give a shit to be honest. You can cry me a river for all I care and I'll still look at you the same way. Well, actually I'll probably freak out because I'd need to take you to the doctor's if you cried me an actual fucking river like damn, how are you not dehydrated?" Edward chuckles, my comment seems to have cheered him up. "I won't intrude on why you burned down a freaking house, Edward." I laugh lightly. "I'll...tell you later, and also, just Ed. You can call me just Ed and I don't think Alphonse minds if you call him just Al." I nod, "Okay, Ed." I grin. "That's better, you don't need to be so formal around me y'know?" Edward assured. I just nod.

We decide to head back to the house. Walking through the front door to the smell of stir fry [A/N: what the fuck would stir fry smell like? I couldn't think of a food and I've just had stir fry, if you don't like stir fry then change it XD] We walk into the kitchen and sit down at the already made table where Winry and Alphonse are already sitting. Pinako dishes out the food and we all tuck in. We chat all chat, me always saying some weird shit. Pinako, Winry and Alphonse would make the odd joke about Ed's height and that he should drink his milk.

After we all finish dinner, I say good night to everyone and head up stairs to my room. "[y/n]! Wait!" Edward grabs my hand when I was half way up the stairs. "Hm? What's wrong, Ed?" I raise an eyebrow. "Uhh...I was you wanna stay with me in my room tonight-I mean..I would like you to teach me how to draw...a little." Edward's face was bright red, and he was sweating a little. "Yeah, sure. Are you wanting to do an all nighter then?" I give a small chuckle. "Uh, if that's okay with you?" Edward stuttered nervously. "That's fine." I said gladly.

Well, I'm guess tonight I'm just gonna be,

killing time.

[A/N: YAYA. You thought that Edward was gonna ask you to sleep with him didn't you? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Not yet my children. But then

LE LENNY FACE( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ]

-Alchemist Shini, OUT.

【Alchemist!】An Edward Elric X Reader (On hold)Where stories live. Discover now