Chapter Three

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Sang POV:

I slowly awoke to the feeling of bruises forming all over my body. I wondered why, before remembering the old warehouse and the feeling of falling.

I felt myself lying on hard ground, and slowly lifted my head from the ground, wincing from the shooting pain in my neck. Squinting my eyes to survey the surroundings, and found myself looking at an expanse of vast countryside which I thought was strangely beautiful.

I found myself laying on a wide dirt path which wound through all of the greenery. Wait - it wasn't just shrubs and random vegetation! It was farmland!

I saw a curl of smoke rise from across the field, and assumed it came from a chimney. That meant people were near who could help me. I had to get up to find them!

As I tried to get to my knees and stand, it seemed as if fire burned through all of my muscles. I winced and grunted, trying to tune out the pain as I stood. By this point, tears were already streaming down my face. I was pretty sure my left ankle, right wrist, and many ribs were either broken or sprained.

As I hopped on my right foot, I dragged my left behind me, heading in the direction where I thought I could see smoke curling up into the clouds.

I got closer, and realized I was right! It was a house! My relief was so vast my vision blurred even more with tears, dizzying me and resulting in me almost falling over.

As I slowly got closer to the door, I realized that there was a light on in the window. I reached out and banged my fist on the door, uncaring if it was rude to knock so loud.

I needed for someone to help me, otherwise I might pass out again and that time I might not make it.

"Help!", I shouted. "I need help, please!"

My voice cracked at the last shout. I never really could raise my voice to a high volume.

The door was swung open and a giant of a man (probably around 6'3) was in the doorway. I estimated that he was around 20, with chestnut brown hair and brown eyes. I wasn't attracted to him in any way, even though he could be handsome to the right girl.

I widened my eyes in fear just as his widened in shock.

"Are you... a female?", he asked, quietly in shock.

"Ummm... Yes?" I replied, a little freaked out that he would react in such a way.

Suddenly, he grabbed my arms and pulled me to him, smashing his lips on mine.

I silently cried while tears streamed down my face as I struggled in his arms, trying to pull away from his lips and the the tight hold his hands had on my bruised arms.

I had training for this sort of thing (self defense), but with my bruised and broken body as well as my terror-filled mental state, I couldn't remember (or execute) the correct procedure for getting out of this hold. It didn't help that he was a little more than a foot taller than me.

Just as I was about to go limp and resign myself to my fate, I heard multiple tremendous roars which had the entire ground shaking. At this, the man pulled away from me, terror on his face.

I heard multiple giant booms which made the ground tremble as I limped around, turning to see what was making the sounds with terror in my heart.

I saw many giant black dragons - nine, to be exact - running like trains towards the house.

At this point, I was trembling so hard that I fell to my knees, and almost keeled over, the pain and fear almost too much to handle.

I heard another roar as I couldn't even hold myself up anymore, and fell to my side, laying down and feeling my eyes become heavy.

Just as my breathing became shallow and my eyes were squinting, about to close, I saw a handsome face that I was immediately drawn to appear over me.

He had curly blonde hair and green eyes, and, from what I could see, was also very tall - about 6'2". As his eyes came upon my face, his mouth popped open, and awe filled his eyes.

"You're a girl..." he whispered, lovingly.

I half smirked, feeling amusement wash over me.

Just then, he stiffened and cursed. "Are you okay?? Stay with me, please.", he said, almost begging me.

"I'm so tired...", I whispered, feeling my eyes close even more.

"Please, just stay with me!!", he shouted, terror filling his eyes as he saw the bruises covering my body and the way I was holding my wrist and ankle.

Other faces appeared over me, all with expressions of awe and shock quickly replaced with worry and concern.

"What's wrong with her, Doc??", a boy, who looked a couple of years older than me asked. He had brown hair with light portions on the front section.

"God, a lot.", the guy who was looking at my body replied frantically as he saw my ribs.

"Shit!", the other person shouted.

The lull of their voices calmed my mind even more, and I felt blackness flicker on the edges of my vision.

'Doc' must have noticed I was growing more out of it, and he reached up and cupped my face between his two hands.

"Please... Please stay with us. We can't lose you.", he said, with unshed tears sparkling in his eyes.

"Don't worry... I'll be okay. Everything will be fine..." I whispered, looking up into his eyes. "I won't leave you." I finally said, feeling as if it was the right thing to say.

With that, my eyes finally closed, and I let blackness consume me.


So, how did you like it? I sure hope you enjoyed it!
Don't forget to comment or vote!! Every one means the world to me. Thank you guys for being supportive - I really appreciate it. :)

I'm planning to do the next chapter in the boys' POV. Do you guys think that I should just do first person with only one of them, or third person addressing all of them? Let me know with a message or comment, please!!

Thank you all so much!!!

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