Chapter Five

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Sang POV:

I let out a small groan, as I became aware of a piercing light which felt like it was drilling into my skull when I fluttered my eyelids open. Quickly, I slammed my eyes shut and focused on my sounds and surroundings. I could only feel a smooth, cotton sheet above me and felt the material of my own clothes. Next, I focused on deciphering the sounds I was hearing. I could hear birds chirping, the sound of wind whistling through some trees, and lots of deep breathing.

Wait. WHAT???

My eyes flew open as I sat up quickly, sucking in a sharp breath. Dizziness quickly overtook me, but after a few seconds of staying still and shutting my eyes it abated. When I cracked my eyes open again, I came face to face with the same man I had seen in my dream. Suddenly, with great horror, I realized that it in fact it was not a dream, but reality. I let out a yelp and quickly threw myself backwards, away from the face. I hit the top of the bed frame with enough force that I knew my back was going to be pretty bruised the next day.

'Oh god... what's happening???', I thought, frantically.

'Don't worry, we won't hurt you.', a calm, deep voice spoke in my mind.

"Who are you? What are you?? Where am I???", I desperately whispered at the man, frantically looking around and noting all of the other people who were in the room with us. "I'm Doctor Green, you're going to be okay.", he said in a soothing voice, looking into my eyes.

'What happened to me while I was passed out? Why am I with all these men??', I frantically thought, a mounting sense of dread pulling at my stomach. The last thing I remembered was a man forcefully kissing me in the doorway, seeing this person bend over me and talk to me, trying to get me to stay awake, and then everything going black and hazy.

While I was thinking, it appeared that two of the guys on the beds next to me got up and took a step towards me, with their hands up. "We aren't going to hurt you, we just want to make sure you're okay!", the one that was around 6' tall and had bleached pieces of hair in front softly told me with worry in his eyes.

'How am I okay? How long have I been here for?' I thought, thinking I might've healed while being in a coma. But my muscles weren't weakened or stiff, and my throat wasn't scratchy as it would be if I was unconcious for a long time. I remember being seriously injured just recently, from a fall in the warehouse. What happened to me?!

While I was thinking, I hadn't noticed the men which were standing by me took a step closer and the others got up off of the beds (it looked like they were hospital beds). Immediately after I noticed that they were closer, I began to breathe at a fast pace, growing more frantic in my breathing pattern every second. Soon, as I looked at them with wide, fear-filled eyes, I was hyperventilating. I'm sure my eyes were wide with fright and I sounded like a choking dolphin, but I couldn't stop what my body was doing.

Just as I noticed they were going to box me in the hospital bed by standing in a circle around it, so I couldn't get away, I bolted through a space between one wearing all black and a super duper tall one.

"Shit!", the one wearing black cursed aloud, while reaching for me. I continued running until I made it into a corner, my back against the wall. As my breathing still increased in fear as they took a step towards me, my legs gave out and I slid down the wall to crumple on the ground and curled into a ball.

The one that I had seen before, who said his name was Dr. Green came forward and kneeled in front of me. I could see him mouthing the word 'breathe' over and over, but I couldn't hear him over the blood rushing in my ears. "Please don't hurt me...", I managed to wheeze out while looking at them fearfully. As I continued to breathe faster and faster as they advanced, with frantic worry in their eyes, black spots danced across my vision.

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