Chapter Two

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I groaned as I reached the door to my first period History class.  

I was just minutes late because I had to stop by my locker to pick up some of my overdue books and drop them off at the library.  I hadn't estimated that it would take very long, but unluckily I was mistaken. 

As I turned the cold knob and slowly walked in, I kept my head down, trying to be invisible.  I typically was always somewhat invisible in school, with me having no friends and making no effort to make any.  

"Miss Sorenson, late for class again?" Mr. Olsen said.  "This is the third time you have been tardy this week - you have a detention waiting for you after school." He remarked, pompously.  

"O-okay..." I mumbled, reaching out to take the detention slip he handed out to me.  

I slowly made my way to the back of the classroom, and sat town to listen to the boring lecture about the post-WWII era.  


Luckily, the next few periods went faster as I listened to teachers drone on about things like Ionic bonding and the Quadratic Formula.  

When lunchtime came, I grabbed the meal I had made the previous night from my locker and brought it to the cafeteria to eat.  I walked outside into the courtyard and sat down at one of the tables, alone.  

I always ate lunch alone - it's become sort of a habit.  People generally tend to avoid me due to the antisocial attitude I keep in place during school-hours.  

As I dug out my chicken-salad sandwich and began eating, I glanced over at the other groups in the yard.  

There were the stoners, the punks, the nerds, and the jocks.  All of them, in their respective groups, were at least a little friendly with each other.  They had things in common that they could talk about - hence them being put into their trivial groups.  

Interestingly enough, I didn't fit into any of these groups - I was too athletic to be a nerd.  I was too smart and too much of a realist to be a jock.  I didn't do drugs or drink.  I loved pink, and am not a goth in any sense.  

What exactly was I?

As I mulled over these observations and finished up eating, the bell rang.  I hopped out of my seat, threw the remains of my meal into the trash can, and headed to my next class.  



As the last bell of the day rang, I jumped out of my seat and was out the door before anyone else even had their backpacks on.  

I was making my way to the front of the building before I realized that I had detention.  Ugh.  

The bus usually brought me home, but since I had detention that wouldn't work today.  

I didn't even bother to contact my mom or dad - they both would be home very late tonight and wouldn't even notice that I was home late from school.  Luckily, my house wasn't too much of a long distance away - only 5 miles.  

I walked to the front office and spoke to the lady at the front desk.  Our receptionist lady was once (probably) very beautiful, but age caught up with her.  She was around 60, with wrinkles all over her face and gray hair. 

'What do you want?' she asked, as if annoyed that I interrupted her from a game she was playing on the computer.  

'Umm... I was told I had detention today?' I mumbled, it coming out more as a question than a statement. 

'Well, honey, the person who was supposed to be supervising left early, the bastard.  All of the detentions have been moved from today to tomorrow, so just come here at the same time then.' she said roughly, shooting me a glare as if to tell me to get out of the office immediately.

'Ok.. thank you.' I whispered, turning around and making my way out of the doors.  

I looked out at the parking lot.  Shoot! The buses were already gone.  

I made my way out of the front doors of the school, coming to the sidewalk and turning left. 

After I walked two out of the five miles, I felt this odd tugging sensation.  It wasn't like a physical pull, but more of a mental one saying that I needed to be somewhere else. 

I stopped, suddenly, and looked around me.  I was in an area filled with office buildings and warehouses.

Curious, I walked towards the way I felt I needed to go, coming to a stop outside of an old warehouse which looked like no one had been in for a long time.  

As I walked closer to the warehouse, the tugging sensation in my mind came to an almost frenzied point, where I was close to getting a headache because of my mind's stupid belief that I needed to be inside of the warehouse. 

I looked at the door, realizing that there wasn't a lock on it.  I slowly took two steps towards it, stopping just outside and placing my hand on the cold handle. 

I gradually turned the knob, opening the door, and taking a few cautious steps inside.  

Just as I let go of the door handle to walk further in, the door slammed shut, encasing me in darkness. 

I screamed as I felt the sensation of free-falling and moving at a very fast pace all while being compacted - almost a feeling of being folded up.

I saw a bright light just below me, as if I was falling from the darkness into another land.  

I opened my eyes wide and gave out one last scream just as my body hit the ground. 

And then I felt nothing.


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