♥️Chapter 14 ♥️

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Happy New year!


The last time Sloane saw her was over four years ago. While he was being chased and driven to a corner, she appeared like an angel and took him into her car. But an angel on earth was a guardian, she came as a messenger. Like the devil with no more wings, ready to give him an offer that would sign his whole life away.

And so that was what he thought. He changed his mind, especially since she was Seth's mother. He was kind to him. Gentle even. And it made him nauseous they all shared blood.

"How have you been Mrs Seon?" Sloane sat opposite her.

"Being in charge of cleaning up after the family requires never taking a break. Perhaps I'm due one." She smiled. "You look well, Sloane. The last time we met were under different circumstances."

"You promised me a way out." Sloane said.

"Right the last time we spoke, I did promise such a thing." She sighed. "Which is why I'm here today. This was the last place I expected to find you."

"I didn't know this company belonged to the same Seon group as your family. I didn't know Seth was your son." Sloane explained.

"The Seon group never reveal their heirs. Traditionally not many make it out alive until the announcement. But times have changed." She reached out for her tea and took a sip.

"This was the only place I could find a job. After - everything. He made sure no one would accept me." Sloane said.

"He will return, Sloane. I'm sorry this is out of my control." She smiled warmly, as if to offer some relief but nothing could be done.

"You promised me he would never come back. He should be in jail, Cedric is still in the hospital because of him. I've been repaying all his medical bills with my blood." Sloane eyes grew teary. "The nightmares finally faded away."

"You have rejected our offer countless of times-"

"Do you think your money will make up for everything? I want nothing to do with your money."

"I was not offering compensation Sloane. I wanted to buy information. You were beside him in all his meetings, you had access all his documents." She paused. "It's not too late to accept the offer. The family competition for the next head of the household will take place in the next few weeks. He has to come back for this. But I believe my son will be chosen instead. For some reason he wants to pull out of the competition. And from the looks of things. Are you involved with this?" She asked.

"I don't know anything about this competition." Sloane replied curtly. "I'm not telling you anything."

"My son has to win." She urged him. "Because you know what will happen if Samuel wins. He will head the household. He will take you back, even if he has to drag you back to him. He will dissolve Seth's company and take all his support. Even I can't save you."

"Don't you dare say his disgusting name in front of me." Sloane seethed. "He is a monster."

"Seth never bows to anyone. I want to say it's in his blood. If you are on Seth's side, we are on the same team." She smiled softly at him, they were the same eyes Seth had, fierce and beautiful. "You can convince him."

Sloane started to feel ill. Like the alcohol, the sadness and the fear mixing in his stomach. "I need to leave." He didn't wait for her response. He needed air and stumbled towards the door ignoring Mrs Seon's calls for him. Sloane wanted fresh air but he was faced to face with everyone who was waiting outside. Seth had stopped pacing and approached him, holding his hand and saying something.

Sloane wished he could hear him, but there was a fog, he felt like he was isolated in a glass bubble. With everyone looking at him, watching him. And as he looked back into Seth's eyes he knew once again he was disappointing him.

It was a mixture of disbelief, because as much as Seth consumed him, he realised they knew nothing about each other at all. Sloane already trusted Seth, it wasn't something he could just take away without a reason. But all the more it hurt. If they saw each other's wounds, then maybe love was impossible.

"Sloane." Seth said softy. Worry was written all over his face. What was Sloane going to do about this man? "Are you okay? You look pale. What did she tell you?"

Sloane's vision spluttered in fragments of light. And then there was darkness.


The big question of why Sloane had been running away will be revealed soon.

Happy reading

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