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His friends tried to meet him but he refused to see anyone. He continued sleeping in his room for two days then encouraged himself to get out of bed and strengthen himself.

((( Itt, you still have several years to live. You must be strong enough to do everything well )).

He got up to take a shower and change his clothes. He couldn't force himself to smile but he had gotten used to being strong in his work after Dai's death and hid his feelings well.

Itt, you're fine.

___Um, don't worry. I just need some time. I don't have anything to do in the next two days. Can I help you with your work?

The father opened his eyes in surprise. itt always got angry when his father told him that he should learn to work with him.

Do you want to learn?

I already know a lot.


___Um, just tell me the work information.

(( Day has been the one who cares about this work these years so I don't have much information.))

__Um, of course, what about your university?

__As we agreed, I will go to study in America and then I will come back to work with you so you should keep me informed of everything.  A development is happening so I can help and when I get back I know everything

___itt do you really need to travel

__Yes dad I have to travel so I can arrange everything

I saw our new worker

___Yes he was hired to work here yesterday he is very good

___I feel like I have seen him before but where

(( Damn he works with Nan that boy damn Day  did you put someone spying on him ))

itt didn't care and continued his work normally until Tuesday came so he asked that young man to go buy something for him and when he was sure that he went far he got in his car to get away from the house
he didn't know that Day had already put a tracking device in his car

Day was sitting at home when he saw itt leaving his house in his car so he quickly got up to follow him he was sure that itt had a secret he didn't leave him just because of travel and study and his father's rejection

(( Who will you meet kid to go out like this early in the morning outside the city

Two hours later

You chose a very far place to receive your lover and I also bought him flowers I will make sure to bury you together  I put flowers on your grave every Tuesday))

Day was surprised when he saw that itt stopped in front of a cemetery. He waited a little before getting out of his car and following itt who sat in front of Angel's grave looking at the empty place. He smiled sarcastically.

(( Will this be my place? Oh, it seems that in the end we will be neighbors. Be a good neighbor to me. ,))

Day continued to watch itt for a while. He saw him talking and then laughing. He fell silent for a while and calmed down to start crying loudly.

The person who fears ghosts was sitting in the cemetery as if it was his favorite place.

(( It was our fate from the beginning that we would never meet. He was my enemy, but I held on to him. He left me and went away. Now I am leaving him and going away. Our fate is very bad))

itt got up to bid farewell to his friend and left the place with a broken heart.

Dau stood in front of Angel's grave looking at him.

(( Damn, damn, itt . How can I compete with a dead person?

How did I not think about it? You said that it was the last farewell between you. You will never be able to meet even if you wanted to. You tried to die after him if  This is what affected you  when your lover died ))

Day returned to his car to follow itt who stopped on the road before reaching his house. He got out of his car to smoke.
He felt that he needed to burn something before he burned everything around him.
Day was standing a little far away so he couldn't see him clearly, but he could see itt smoking while raising his hand to wipe his tears all the time.

After a while of calming himself down, he decided to go to Nam's store to eat cakes.

When he entered the store, he sat there for a while eating cakes while Day continued to wait for him in his car near the store.

When itt came out of the store, he was surprised to see pee in front of him.

Pee, what are you doing here?

I came to see you.

___Get away from here, you idiot. I'm not in the mood to listen to the nonsense you're talking about.

___itt, you broke up with Day why don't you come to me?

___Haha, you stupid bastard. Do you think I broke up with him because of those stupid pictures I sent to my parents?
Do you feel accomplished and proud and think that you succeeded?
No, you idiot, it didn't happen because of you.

___It doesn't matter how it happened now.

Pee couldn't finish his words because of someone who punched him hard in the face.

You bastard, I told you not to come near him again.

Itt tried to separate Day from pee, but he couldn't, but Day hit pee hard.

Itt grabbed Dai's arm and pulled him hard from pee's body.

Day  please stop. What are you doing? Will you  Kill him

I will do it I will kill him that madman

To calm Day down, itt moved closer to him and hugged him tightly then looked at pee who opened his car door and put down the gun

Itt smiled with the corner of his mouth as he closed his eyes tightly preparing for the pain

____Day  died

After death ...itt day .. love syndrome Where stories live. Discover now