Please Understand...

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I know that not everybody listens and apreciates you. Trust me... I know... But you cant let that drag you down. Remember that people love and care about you. People would miss you if you dissapeared. They wouldnt know what to do.

I know that if something happened to you, I'd going to school the next day (if I could make it out of my room) and I'd be crying all day. I'd just be blank and empty. I'd miss a lot of things about you.

-Your kindness

-Your goofyness

-Your advice

-Your randomness

but most of all...


So what if your grades aren't perfect and you make mistakes. We all have mistakes!

*looks down* If you went away.... I'd feel alone... I mean, yeah I have wonderful friends who I see everyday... But even though I don't know you, we still talk every single day.... We made promises to each other.... We both broke them once.... But its okay, we forgave each other....

I don't care about what ever your parents say. You're you. You're one of a kind. Nobody likes a copy. You just have to wait for people to except you for who you are. I except you. And I'll stand by your side until you send me away. Cat's Honor.

Please don't leave me alone... *tears fill eyes* You'd have absolutly no idea how much I would miss you... *hugs tightly and tears spill over* You went from stranger, to friend, to family... Thank you... I cant thank you enough for what you've done for me... And if you go, I go. No exceptions. I'd miss you so much.... Please stay safe... and talk to me before diciding on anything that I would dissapprove of....

You've got every way to contact me except for house phone... So use them.... I dont care if I'm in the middle of class, call/text me and I'll use a pass. I'll always be there for you. Call me at 3am if you need someone to talk to. I'll answer and talk to you.

Please understand....

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