Tis Be A Random Thought

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Today I went to the fair with my friends and had a great time. Nobody got sick or anything. I got stuck in two trees today during Art In The Park... One on purpose, the other, I was seriously stuck and scared. Has anyone accidently stepped on barial grounds without knowing? If so, did something follow you home?... Because that kinda happened to me, and I dunno if I should be expecting something to be following me or not... I did'nt mean to step on the barial grounds! I was walking with my friends and saw a roped off area and was like "ooh! What's this?" So I went under the rope for a second and then got a bad feeling and fled. In my defence, they shouldn't have had it roped off with normal rope and with no sign telling me what it was. I'm blonde, I need things like that so I dont get hurt. Make all the stupid blondejokes you want, see if I care. Because if you do, I hope something does follow me home so I can send it after you. *smiles lightly* Joking. I woukdn't do that. I'm not that mean. Well then again, I did make my friends loose the game a lot today (I lost the game.). And I did bite my little sister. *sigh* You probably think I'm a horrible person now. I didn't bite her hard, and she clawed my face so we're even. And I told her, "the next one to put their hand in my face, gets bit." She put her hand in my face. No blood, no foul. *freezes* I just heard a noise and I'm the only one awake... *scared* Night night. Love you guys. Sleep well. *waves* Oh! And if you dont know what the game is, google "The Game". *chuckles* Night.

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