|| Chapter 8 ||

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**Harry's POV**

I wake feeling groggy with the afternoon sun beaming through my windows blinding me. Despite it being morning when I got home, I ended up falling asleep on my bed after taking a nice hot shower to relax all my muscles and joints.

I squint and blink, getting up and closing my blinds. I still feel quite achy, but much more rested. I walk out of my room, down the hallway and into the lounge room to see Gemma sitting on the couch fully engaged in some chick-flick. However, in hearing my entrance she turned and smiled at me weekly.

"Hey, Haz," She says patting the couch spot next to her signalling for me to go sit with her. I oblige and walk over and sink down into the comfy red couch.

"Hey, Gem-Gem," I greet.

She gently places her arm around me, "How are you feeling? You look awful."

"Yeah, I know. I feel better than yesterday. Much better now that I've showered now. Still a bit sore and achy though."

"You poor thing. This is all getting out of hand now, Harry, and you know it. Don't you think it's time to tell mum the full extent of this and that this isn't just a one-time thing?"

Gemma knew all about the shit I face at school every day, but mum doesn't. I really don't want her to worry all the time. She has so much to deal with already. She has to work so hard for her job and always overtime to get enough money for us to get by. I told her a while ago, last year I think, and she told the school but they said they really couldn't do much. Typical. So, I stopped telling her and made her believe it had settled down. It's not like anything could be done. "No, Gem, she can't know. She already has so much-"

"Yeah, Harry, so much to deal with I know, I know."

Gemma found me crying in my room once and I needed someone to talk to, everyone does, so I spiled everything but made her swear not to tell mum.

"What do you think mum is going to do, Harry? She's not just going to sit by after you were nearly killed!"

"I wasn't nearly killed, Gemma."

"Harry, you were left on the side of the road unconscious, bleeding and with a concussion."

"I suppose," I wince at the faint memory, "There's nothing she can do, Gem."

"It didn't happen on school grounds this time, Harry. She can call the police."

"No! She can't! That will only make things worse."

"How so? They'll get what they deserve."

"Well, to them, me nearly dying is what I deserve so I don't think they'll understand that concept and then they'll just come after me again."

"How the hell do you deserve to die?"

"Because I'm gay... a faggot... a homo. And the Flowercrowns I wear... yeah that doesn't help at all."

"Well, Harry, have you thought that maybe you should consider not wearing them at school anymore? Draw less attention to yourself," Gemma says warily.

"Are you serious? You're not serious, are you? You know why I wear them, Gem. I can't believe you would even suggest something like that!"

"Harry, I'm sor-"

"Save it. You didn't know her. You didn't get the chance, and in that aspect I feel sorry for you because she was a fucking angel. I can't believe... I can't believe you would even say that," With that I get up and walk out of the room angrily and head out the front door.

I embrace the warmth of the sun as I sit myself down on the freshly mown grass in front of the flowerbeds. I start picking out the prettiest flowers and begin to weave them together, just like Lauren had taught me many years ago...


"C'mon, Hazzybear!" Lauren squealed, giggling as she tugged Harry by the shirt out into the front lawn.

"What, Lauzzybear?" Harry asked confused, also giggling at his adorable younger sister.

"I wanna show you something! Jessica showed me this at school today!" She jumped up and down excitedly before sitting herself next to the garden full of colourful flowers.

Harry smiled and sat down right beside her, "what is it?"

Without saying anything, Lauren started picking the flowers and separating them and weaving them together. Harry watched with fondness and amazement as his younger sister's delicate fingers created a beautiful crown.

Once Lauren was satisfied with her creation she placed it on top of Harry's head and adjusted it so it rested just right in his curls, "There. Now you're a pretty princess." She giggled kissing her brother's cheek.

"That's amazing, Lauzzy! Can you teach me?"

"Of course, silly-billy!"

*Flashback Over*

I feel a stray tear trickle down my cheek, leaving a salty trail. I wipe it away and sigh. Lauren died a little after Gemma was born so she never got to know her like I did. She got hit by a car. She was playing in the front Lawn, mum was watching her from the small verandah. She put her head down for a moment to check her phone and pick up her tea when the next thing she heard was a screech and... well Lauren's ball had bounced onto the road and of course she followed to get it.

I place the fresh purple and white chain on my head and relax. I get up, head inside and straight to my room. I can't look at Gemma right now.


Time has passed quite quickly as mum is already pulling into the driveway. I glance at the clock on my desk and it reads just a little past seven. I close my laptop that I was watching YouTube videos on and walk out just as she is coming through the front door. Upon seeing me, she drops her bag immediately and walks over to me pulling me straight into a gentle hug. I return the gesture and relax into my mums arms. The comfort and warmth is amazing.

"Hi, sweetie. How are you? Did Jay take good care of you?" She asks softly as she pulls away from the hug.

"I'm alright, mum. No broken bones or fractures. Just a small concussion and very bruised and a few cuts. Jay was absolutely lovely."

"That's slightly relieving then. How are you feeling? Do you need some painkillers or anything?"

"Maybe that would be good. I'll probably go to bed after dinner, I'm quite tired. I did have a long nap when I got home, but I still just feel so weak."

"Alright, honey. What do you feel like for dinner?"

"Hm... Ooh can we have that creamy chicken pasta?" I ask excitedly. It has always been one of my favourite meals.

"Of course. I'll go get it started," she kisses my forehead and then walks off into the kitchen.

I smile to myself. I really am lucky to have such a great mum. Even though she isn't around all the time, when she is she is wonderful. And I don't feel angry at her for not being here. I really understand and I know it's not like she's out partying. She's working hard to be able to provide for us and I admire her so much for that. Soon I will try and get a job so I can help out so she can take off some hours. It's the least I can do.

I retreat to my room, still not wanting to face Gemma, still a little angry from the incident before, and open my laptop back up and continue watching YouTube until dinner.

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