|| Chapter 2 ||

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**Harry's POV**
I manage to go the rest of the day without another run in from Louis or any of his gang. The absence of them should make me calm, but it just makes me more nervous and on edge as I never know when they might strike again. I made another flower crown at lunch. I hate not having the delicate, soft petals atop of my curls. It feels unnatural and I feel guilty like I'm betraying the reason why I wear them. Finally the day is over. I walk out of the gates of hell and start on my short, lonely walk home. As I walk along the path kicking a stone absentmindedly, I hear a car engine behind me, but no car passing. Strange. I brush it off as a car just going into a driveway or turning a corner. I hear the same thing again and still no car passing. I glance over my shoulder to see just an empty road. It's nothing. A weird feeling like someone is following me sets in. I quicken my pace a little as the paranoia circles my mind. I hear it again. That's definitely car rev. All the most possible and worst scenarios that could happen flood my mind. I just keep my head down and continue walking. I am a few blocks away from home when a car pulls up beside me. My stomach drops as I take a quick glance at the car, noticing it's red, and keep walking. I take one look behind me and see four people getting out of the car and walking towards me. I turn back around and contemplate running, but know my limit and am sure that will catch up to me. I scan the entire area for any sign of another person around, and of course there is no one. My heart beats faster and sweat forms all over my body as I begin to panic. I am walking as fast as my legs can go. As a last resort of safety I find the closest house with a car in the driveway and head for that, but it's too late. My bag is abruptly yanked from my back and thrown onto the grass beside the pathway. I almost tumble down from the force. Four boys surround me and I recognise them as part of Louis' posse. I bet he sent them to do this. That's probably why he didn't come near me after this morning. He couldn't even be bothered to do it himself so he got his little followers to do it. Typical, how Louis.

"Awww look it's the little weirdo," one said. Pretty sure his name is Josh.

"Where are your friends, faggot? Oh, that's right, you have none," another said. I think his name is Ryan.

"Who would want to be friends with you? You're so pathetic," Josh spat again. I rolled my eyes at the pathetic insults. They're definitely getting old and tiresome. I internally laugh at their lack of creativity, but on the outside I tremble with fear. That's the issue with me, my inner monologue is so confident and witty, but my exterior self is a complete contrast. I stutter, quake and can't even look people in the eye when I talk to them sometimes. My outer self is pathetic. I just wait for the day where my exterior has had enough and cracks open for my inner monologue and personality that comes with it to reveal itself. Hopefully, the intent of the four boys around me is to just throw some old insults, then leave. This calms me a little, but not for long, as the possibility of other ways this could go comes into play. Is this where is ends for me? I feel as though it is when I am knocked out of my thoughts, literally, by Josh punching me straight in the mouth. I am met with a sharp pain in my jaw and the metallic taste of blood oozing onto my tastebuds. Conveniently, I stumbled back from the force right into the arms of Ryan. He grabs my arms and holds them behind my back. I go to scream desperately for help, but they anticipate that and stop me with a punch to the stomach and my screams are silenced with a grunt. I am then thrown to the ground. I try and brace myself with my arms as they are released, but my head still is greeted harshly by the cold concrete. I am either going to throw up or pass out. My vision is clouded and hazy, from the lack of air or from the hit to the cement I am unsure. Regardless, the boys start to kick me in the stomach, behind the legs and even in the head. I cower in on myself, pleading for them to stop. I sob from the pain as I continue to force air into my lungs. I silently pray to whoever may be up there for this horrific experience to end. I hear more insults being spat as the blows continue. How is there not anyone around to see this or help? My prayers are finally answered as I numb and succumb to darkness.
* * *

Darkness. It's a strange feeling to be awake, but not. I can tell I am awake, but I feel, hear or see nothing. I want to open my eyes but my eyelids feel heavy. My entire body feels heavy as if it's filled with thousands of weights. I strain to try and get a sense of where I am. After a few minutes my senses begin to return. I feel that I am on something soft, it feels like a bed. But whose? A tidal wave of panic washes over, almost drowning me, what if the boys brought me back to one of their houses to finish the job? I have to open my eyes! I still can't get a sense of where I am as the only thing I can hear is the sound of my shallow breathing. As the seconds tick by, pain in my body starts to make itself known. Soon, I ache all over and my head pounds and throbs. I need to open my eyes. A door opens to my left - that cancels out my bed then as my door is I front of my bed- and footsteps pad into the room. I keep my breathing steady not to give anything away to my mysterious captor...or host.

"He's still asleep," a woman's voice whispers. Relief overpowers the tidal wave of panic. That is, until another person makes themselves known, "Yeah, can't we call his parents?" A familiar voice drips with annoyance.I know that dominant voice anywhere. I hear itserve insults to me every day.

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