|| Chapter 6 ||

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**Harry's POV**

I wake up to noise and people bustling and running through the house. My entire body is stiff and aches. My head pounds and my eyes sting from the lack of the sleep I acquired due to my bruises and sharp pain every time I moved. I slowly push into a sitting position followed by a yawn. The desire to go back to sleep is pulling me from reality, but the reality is that I can't stay here all day. Everything has already been so awkward. I'm just going to have to fight through it and sleep when I get home.

My pep talk is interrupted when Jay comes into the room, "Oh, Harry, you're awake! How are you feeling? Are you hungry?" She asks as she paces over to me cheery and bright-eyed.

"I'm feeling ok," I lie.

"That's good to hear. Breakfast it out in the kitchen if you're up for it. Otherwise you're more than welcome to stay in bed a little while longer. Personally, as a nurse, I'd recommend it."

I shake my head, "No, thank you, I'm ok to get up I think." I need to go home as soon as possible.

"Alright, if you say so. I'll be downstairs. Sorry to be so quick, but I have to wrangle the kids and get them ready for school," she apologises sincerely.

I assure her it's fine and that I completely understand. She swiftly exits the room and I'm back to my pep talk of getting up.

I slowly swing my legs over the side of the bed and stretch them out trying to shake out the stiffness. I stand with my best efforts, despite the pain, and successfully get upright, but am almost back where I started when the room starts to spin and my vision disappears. I stumble and put my hand on the wall to balance myself. Once the sensation of feeling like im going to fall straight on my face vanishes, I make my way out of the room and down the stairs, gripping the rail tight.

I enter the kitchen to inhale the glorious scent of freshly made pancakes, and see Louis' sisters and the beautiful devil himself seated at the breakfast bar eating the food that is the cause of the sweet aroma.

"You look awful," One of the younger girls say.

I laugh and nod, "I can only imagine," I reply.

"Daisy, don't be so rude," Jay scolds, "here, Harry," she says walking to me with a plate consisting of two large pancakes soaked in maple syrup and two pills on the side and a glass of water. She is far too kind.

"Thank you very much," I say as kind as possible taking the plate and glass from her hands and taking them to the breakfast bar. Conveniently, the only seat available is next to Louis. I sit and eagerly down the pills and water before starting on the delicious pancakes.

The kitchen is filled with the sounds of bickering children, clinking cutlery, the bustle of Jay organising the lunch for the younger girls and Louis playing on his phone. It may be loud, but it sounds home-y. My house is so different compared to this, quiet, empty, calm, lonely.

"Harry, your mum called and said she's out at work all day today. You're more than welcome to stay here until she gets home," Jay offers. I am so grateful for her kindness. I look over at Louis who is giving both me and his mum a disapproving look.

"Oh no it's fine. Thank you though. I think I have overstayed my welcome. I know where the spare key is for my house. I think I'll be ok. If I could just have a lift home that would be great," I respond timid.

"Louis would you be able to drop Harry home on your way to school?" Jay asked. He sighs but nods. "Right then you better leave soon. Girls, I'll drop you to school today."

I finish my delicious breakfast and awkwardly wait for Louis to be ready to go. I realise I am still wearing his clothes and I panic.

"C'mon, Harry." Louis says as he walks past me and to the front door.

Hesitantly, I hop off the breakfast bar stool. "I'll make sure to bring these clothes back as soon as possible. Thank you for everything. Who knows what would have happened if you hadn't seen me," I tell Jay.

"Absolutely, love. You were no trouble at all. And about the clothes, don't worry about rushing, it's fine. I'll swap them for yours when you're ready," she replies with a chuckle.

I laugh and nod in agreement. Unexpectedly, Jay gives me a light goodbye hug, which I return, before I follow Louis out gathering all my things.

As I leave the house Louis is waiting in his car impatiently, with it running. I clumsily open the door praying I don't drop my belongings. But, of course, with me being me, my bag and its contents scattered on the driveway next to the car. Louis rolls his eyes and sighs dramatically.

"Seriously? How much more annoying can you get?"

I ignore his words and proceed to pick up my things as quickly as I can and get into the car.

"Just take me home please."

"Whatever," he replies before backing out of his driveway hastily.

"Do you know where you're going?" I ask.


"Didn't you think that would be something you'd need to tell me?"

"I was getting around to it."


The rest of the car drive was awkward and silent. A thick, uneasy tension hung in the air the whole way home. Both of us out of our comfort zone and unsure where to go from this point. To me, it was obvious. There is no way that Louis will act any kinder to me or treat me differently simply because his mother found me and took care of me, or because he now knows almost everything and how his and his friends actions affect me. No way. If anything, he'll probably treat me worse as some sick punishment for being in his home, his 'territory'. I so look forward to it...

Louis pulls into my driveway and looks over at me expectantly.


"Look, Harry, I don't want you getting any ideas of us being pals now, alright? Just cause my mum took care of you, doesn't mean I had any part in it or was ecstatic about it, ok?" he says sternly.

"Y-yeah. No worries. Perfectly clear on that," I mutter out.

"Good. Now get out."

I internally roll my eyes whilst the rest of my body cowers away from his hand pointing to the door. I re-grab my things and step out of the car, "I'll, um, have your clothes back to you, um, as soon as I can," I mumble directing my eyes to the ground. This is so weird. Nothing about this feels right.

"Keep them. No amount of washing powder or disinfectant could get rid of your nasty disease. Probably going to have to throw out my bed sheets," He says, making a final blow before he backs out of my driveway quickly and speeding off.

Regardless of all the hurtful crap he spits at me every day, it still hits a spot somewhere no matter how used to it you get. I was really hoping that making Louis aware of how his shit makes me feel and has affected me would make some progress between us, but of course I'm an absolute idiot. I feel like an absolute idiot. I feel so strange, so... not me. Being in that house was honestly an extremely odd experience. So out of place.

I force my legs to move up to my front door. I find the spare key and head inside. A huge flush of comfort and relief along with familiarity floods through me and I am calm once again. Home.

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