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The train screeched as it tried to stop, and people screamed as a boy stood in the middle of the train tracks laughing meters away from the speeding train that was about the hit him. He laughed as he disappeared in a puff of smoke and and the train sped on, leaving the driver and witnesses wondering what happened. "Jacob Brendon! You mischievous little boy!" Jacob laughed to himself at his bad imitation of his old grumpy nun who ran the orphanage when he was young. He pulled the bandanna down to his neck as he leaned over the edge of the speeding train. He took his spray paint out of his old bag slung across his right shoulder and got to work. 10 minutes later he stood up putting the spray paint can back and with a small run up ran off the train as he disappeared from sight, leaving no trace but a spray painted picture of a government soldier hanging from a noose around his neck of the side of the train.

"Home sweet home" Jacob said to himself "or at least as sweet as it can get" as he landed in his cargo container hanging from a crane in the middle of New York City. He pulled off his smouldering shirt off and threw it out of the container watching it fall down into the streets of New York as he grabbed a new shirt, and his old fire proof leather jacket which was one of the only pieces of clothing that hasn't had holes burnt into it from the heat Jacob gives off when he teleports, besides from his bandanna which he has became extremely attached to. He leaned out of the container holding the side as his body carelessly hang out. Jacob sighed as he looked at below at the bustling streets of New York, which some people called New New York due to the changes that have occurred over the past few years, and the super powered freaks or officially called 'elementals' that were created when the Koreans fired a new experimental nuke that hit near New York, 4 years ago in 2016 that killed hundreds and happened to mutate the DNA of some individuals. That day Jacob Brendon happened to be trying to put out a fire that had started in his neighbour hood from a iron and smoke engulfed him when the nuke hit. From then on he'd been on the run from the NPF that were capturing these 'elementals' and locked them up, tested and experimented on them. So far they had found 10 elementals through 3 years of searching, which made Jacob wonder how many were left. All this ran through his head as he looked at the 20 meter Boulder lodged in the Empire State Building, which was a from a NPF soldier grabbing a 12 year old elemental girl, which left the government wondering how they were gonna get it out. Jacob sighed as he sprinted out of the container feeling the wind tearing at his jacket as he plummeted down to the ground, only to disappear in a puff of smoke.

For a second....Nothingness, a cold, dark, empty place then with a rushing and crackling sound Jacob was moving through the air he yelled as he landed harshly on a rooftop of a mall. Luckily large falls didn't effect him since his mutation as he landed a light layer of smoke swirled around him as he stood at the edge of the mall roof, and swore as he hit the ground landing on his stomach. Jacob looked down and saw the new NPF outpost on a rooftop of a 3 story pub, guards patrolled the rooftop as others patrolled the bridge connected to the pubs roof that stretched over the street, held on the other end by a pillar made from a new carbon material the NPF used. Below the bridge more guards stopped cars and tested drivers to see if they were elementals, they carried nasty looking needles that tests the blood to look for signs of elementals. Jacob glanced at the pub rooftop and disappeared. He landed behind a guard on top of the pub leaning on the rail looking down 3 stories below him, the guard turned around as if his heard something and Jacob kicks him in the chest sending him flying off the roof. 2 other guards hear their coworkers cry and see Jacob and run towards him. Jacob runs at the 1st guard closest to him, the guard raises his gun as Jacob hits the ground sliding under the shots missing his head by inches. He sweeps the 1st guards leg sending him sprawling on the floor as he jumps up and kicks him in the stomach making sure he won't be getting up soon. The second guard comes running at Jacob raising his gun, Jacob punches the 2nd guard in the stomach winding him and knocking his gun out of his hand, he than spins behind the guard grabbing his arm and pushing him to the ground. He snaps the guards arm and hears a scream as he sees a bone rupture the skin of the arm. He looks up to see five guards from the bridge pointing their guns at Jacob, he takes a running leap off the roof of the pub hearing guns firing at him from the bridge and he vanishes in mid air. He lands behind the guards on the bridge silently and he knows he will be spotted soon if they turn around. He steps back and the bridge makes a slight sound as he shifts his weight, he looks down at his feet to see a smallish crack in the bridge. A guard spins around and spots him, pointing his gun at Jacob. "Put your hands up" one of the guards growls, his mates turn around as well surrounding Jacob. He puts his hands up as one guard comes towards him holding specially designed hand cuffs, that will disable his powers Jacob than realises what to do. He puts his hands down and the guard yells at him, Jacob looks at the guard who yelled and smiled pulling his bandanna over his nose and said "sorry mate not today", as he lifts his foot up as smoke surrounded his foot heated up burning through his shoe and he slammed it down onto the crack with all his might smashing a hole in the bridge right in the middle, the soldiers yell as the middle of the bridge gives way and collapses throwing the soldiers off balance as they fell with the bridge and Jacob disappeared into smoke.

Jacob sat down on top of the one World Trade Centre his legs dangling off the edge, he puts his head in his hands and thinks Stay or Go? The decision that had been bothering him for years, but he now knew this was the time to decide, he could run away find a place to call home, maybe find someone to grow old with and live a normal life. But no he had to stay and fix this corrupted government, the NPF, innocents being shot down, and elementals being captured and tested on. He stood up hearing something, and spun around to see 3 helicopters flying toward him with NPF written along the side and machine guns aimed at him, as the skyline of New York glittered behind them. "Jacob Brendon" the speakers blurred "surrender yourself or we will fire", Jacob smiled and pulled his bandanna over his nose as he took a deep breath and started to run toward the helicopters breaking into a sprint. The machine guns whirl as bullets dance around his feet, as he jumped off the edge of the sky scraper flying towards the front helicopter smoke surrounding him.

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