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Jacobs tears mix with the rain, as he sits on top of the crane turning the card in his hands. He didn't care if the card got wet, he'd already memorised the address on the back, anger flared inside him as he realised that that man was the reason the girl died. It was his fault, he should pay. "But he also saved your life" Jacob said to himself, his voice was drained out from the poring rain hitting the cargo container hanging below him. Jacob decided that tomorrow morning his gonna see who this guy is and what he wants with him, and if it wasn't worth that girls life... This mans gonna pay. Jacob didn't care if he got wet, he couldn't get cold and he could dry himself of by teleporting somewhere. He sat on the crane for hours fighting madness, "was it the mans fault" he thought "I could of easily teleported in front of him, or next to the guard", "I just watched", "what kind of person am I to not fight for a kids life", "if she died I deserve to die" these thoughts raced through his mind in an endless circle of madness as he grabbed his hair and screamed into the storm channeling all his anger for himself and this mysterious man. When it was almost to dark to see anything Jacob jumped back down onto the cargo container flipping himself down inside, he lied down in the middle if his container concentrating as he smoked warming himself up in the freezing night. As he went to sleep he laid in the middle of the container on his back, not wanting to be bad or good but both right now.  He eventually drifted off. And that's when the nightmares started.

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