Hitting hot

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Day 8 of training and Jacob could certainly fight, he sweated as he spun his staff around the training dummy he vaulted over the dummy flipping and twisting his handle extending the hook which gripped the dummies head flicking it back Jacob landed and walked away as the dummy wobbled around behind him. He walked over to the large desk stacked with computers where the professor sat working, "come here Jacob" said Karvinski gesturing to the large monitor. Jacob looked at the monitor and saw what must be through a security camera, guards ran into a NPF bass armed with guns. The ground shacked and though there was no audio Jacob knew the ground was giving way, "what is it?" He asked.
"To what I could find an elemental is being kept there"
"Where is it?" Jacob asked knowing this was a chance to free an elemental.
"I've sent the address to your phone, now go!"
Jacob ran up the stairs putting the address into navigator, his staff hang on his backpack in a specially designed attachment that the professor made. He ran out of the door at the top of the stairs as he heard shouting and screaming in the distance, he didn't even need the navigation as he jumped from roof to roof teleporting to higher ground when he needed. He teleported down into the street but no one noticed because they were to busy running away from the quaking and gun shots. Jacob saw the NPF door with 2 guards standing on each side of it aiming their guns at the door as if expecting something to burst out. Jacob walked over slowly behind them, he grabbed each of their heads and smashed them together so hard their helmets cracked as they dropped onto the floor unconscious. Jacob opened the door and ran down the wide staircase towards the gun fire and yelling, he reached the bottom of the stair case and a hallway spread out in front of him. He ran down the hallway until it split into 2 ways, the glossy marble floor reflected his movements as he took a left where the sounds were coming from. He ran past multiple doors and other hallways until he saw a flash from the cracks of the door and a large bang which sounded like a grenade. He kicked the door sending it flying as he saw 3 NPF guards shooting at a tall lanky teenager who looked about his age, he had long ratty hair and brown eyes that flickered with sparks of blue as the bullets burned before they hit him. He walked over to the soldiers and the soldiers turned around to run but saw Jacob behind them as well, they stood there motionless and dropped their guns, putting their hands up. Suddenly a bright blue lighting sparked through their stomachs and they screamed as it burned through and the 3 fell to the ground dead. The lanky guy smiled at Jacob blue lightning flickered on his hands, "are we gonna get outta here or what?" He said as he pushed past Jacob running down the hallway. "Hey wait up!" Jacob yelled teleporting next to the guy as they ran through the hallways, Jacob noticed that every light this kid passed died making the hallway dark behind them. 2 guards opened a door in front of them barging out with their guns aimed at Jacob and the electric dude, "freeze!" They yelled Jacob ran towards the guy on the left grabbing his staff and spinning around hooking the guys legs and pulling them, flipping him over. As he heard a scream from the right of him and skin burning as the other guy did his work, "nice" he said nodding in Jacobs direction. "Thanks" said Jacob "what's your name?" The guy turned to look at him his hair flicking in his eyes, "alex" he said shaking Jacobs hand and they ran out of the base the sun blinding their eyes as they disappeared together in the bustling streets of New York.

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