Chapter 15

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{So it's 12:30 here and I just woke up from a nap. It's not afternoon. It's morning. I fell asleep at 7 pm last night. So I'm pretty mug screwed. So I decided why not write a short filler of the after dinner and that evening. This chapter I would say gets interesting for all those people who ship Hana. So enjoy and let's hope writing this makes me go back to sleep!

Love you guys!}

Chapter 15

"Why don't we do something?" I suggested as we began walking back to the car. "Like bowling or something?"

"I this we should do something too. Ana?" Harry asks.

"I'm okay with it," she replied. "What do you want to do?"

"How about..." I stood there thinking for a moment. "To the music in the park! They have like a light show thing going on while bands preform."

"That is always fun," Harry said taking my hand and pulling me the other way. "It's where we'd used to go when your mother came here on a school field trip."

"I ended up getting a lot of detention for that," my mom groaned. I laughed as we all walked into the large park. There was a lot of couples out tonight. Same with hipsters and older teens. The lights lit up the park as we walked in nowhere particular.

"Hey guys I was wandering-" I didn't finish for when I turned around they were holding hands! HOLDING HANDS! I didn't want to ruin that so I just led the way as they talked.

You would think a girl my age wouldn't want there split up parents together for they didn't want the same thing to happen. They fall out of love and get a divorce and it repeats. But if you ask me, people never fall out of love. I mean of you loved them that much to have a kid, and get married, the love will always be there. Divorced or not. The love is there.

"Darcy come check this out," my dad said, pulling my mom over towards the performing artist. If was a middle aged man singing but he only had a guitar and an harmonica. It was amazing what he could do. "This man has talent wouldn't you say?"

"He does," I replied.

"The first time I saw him here I wanted to sign him. But he declined. He didn't want a label," Harry replied. "He said he wanted to do it for fun and not as a job. So this is his hobbie. He is his own person." The man did have talent. His voice was amazing. "If that is the kind of person you want to be I support it."

"I love singing dad," I replied honestly. "I really do. And doing this would be fun and all. But..." I swallowed the lump in my throat. "I want to be signed. I want to do the record label thing and do everything a singer does. But-"

"That's wonderful!" My dad gushed.

"But!" I cut him off. "I want to wait a year or so."

"Why?" They both asked.

"I want to spend the lost time I have with my family," I replied. They both just smiled at me, giving me a hug. I laughed as the both wrapped there arms around me. "You know. I love you guys and all but can you ease up on the hug?" The both laughed, letting go.

"Let's get you two home yeah?" Harry said grabbing my mothers hand again. I didn't say anything for it was what I wanted. It could be some kind of sign.

I pretended to sleep in the car as my dad stopped in front of the small hotel.

"She's asleep," my mom said as they just sat there.

"She really is something isn't she," my dad smiled.

"She learned it from you," I hear my mom say. "Look Harry. I want you to know-" she was cut off my Harry pressing his lips to hers. I could hear the sound if kissing coming from in front. Part if me wanted to jump up and see it the other wanted to barf because my parents were sucking face in front of me. I decided to just stay asleep. "I-"

"I still love you Ana," I hear my dad say. "And I want you back."

"Harry I-" she was having trouble forming words. "I'll see you to tomorrow. Tell Darcy I love her. Goodnight harry." I heard the door slam and my dad sigh.

"Dammit," he said taking off. "I did it again!"

"You kissed mom," I said sitting up.

"What?" He asked really surprised as I sat there smiling. "Were you awake the whole time?"

"Yeah," I said laying on the backseat. "Heard the whole thing."

"You can't tell anyone Darcy."

"Tell them that it isn't obvious you still love mom?" I asked. "Won't let the word slip out of my mouth."

"It's more complicated than that Darcy.." My dad sighed.

"Whatever you say daddy," I said getting out of the car. "But hey.." I said before opening the door to our house. "I had fun spending time with you and mom tonight." He smiled, pulled me into a hug.

"I did too baby girl," he said kissing the too of my head. "Me too." We walked inside, going our separate ways. "I love you Darcy!"

"Love you too daddy!" I replied, closing my door behind me. The first thing I do is pull out my phone and FaceTime Payton.

"What's up Styles?" She said while shoving a muffin in her mouth.

"My mom and dad kissed tonight!" I said making her eyes widened.

"What did she just say?" I hear Zayns voice ask.

"I'm going to my room!" She said leaving the room she was in. Once I heard the door click she looked into the screen wide eyed. "What happened?"

"We went to dinner as a family tonight and things happened. As in my dad saying she loved my mom and they kissed. But my mom thinks I was asleep, WHICH I WASN'T! I heard everything."

"So now that have to get together!" Payton said excited. "So if things go as planned tomorrow, your parents will be as good as new."

"I hope," I replied. "Things could go two ways tomorrow."

"You're right," Payton agreed. "Just. Lets sleep on it and met tomorrows actions take course."

"Alright," I said hoping under the covers. "Night."

"Night Darce." I hung up, turning off my light.

Saturday morning is going to change whatever is bound to happen between my small family.


So it's short. But I'm tired! It's no 1:30 here and I need to get to bed. I hope you guys enjoyed! Another update soon! If I get 10 votes and 5 comments, I'll update today. (:



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