Chapter 18

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So I got 14 votes! So here's the chapter! I love this one(: It so far is my favorite! Thank yoy for reading!

"Ready to finally go home?" My mom asked as she began packing things. Harry went out to pull the car out front while my mom packed things away. I was in the hospital for a week and I'm happy to say I'm doing better. Everyone has been very supporitve with everything. I feel terrible for Zayn and Perrie have moved their wedding date. But not to far. It's this Saturday. But apperenlty Perrie was pretty happy. She said she needed a week to relax anyways. "Why the hell did Zayn bring so many stuffed animals?"

"I don't even know," I said pulling my hair into my new beanie. It's the present Louis gave me when I first moved in. 

"Here," Niall said getting to his knees. He slipped my feet into my shoes, helping me tie them and everything. Niall has been here everyday since the accident happened. He hasn't left my side. I mean that night when Louis watched me, Niall snuck in and slept on the little couch. He has been the most worried. Besides my dad and mom. But that's because they're my parents. 

"Mom?" I asked as Niall yelled carry the stuffed animals. "How long are you staying?"

"I'm not sure yet," she replied. "But.. Umm.." 

"I'm going to take these down to the car!" Niall interupted befor my mom could speak. I have a feeling he knew what he was going to say. 

"Anyways.." I whispered. 

"Cole went home," she sighed. 

"What?" I asked as shocked as possible. "That's terri- Who am I kidding? That's amazing." 

"He called off the engagment," she said, sitting next to me. 

"Don't tell me," I said putting up my hand. "You slept with dad." She didn't reply. "I KNEW IT!!!" 

"Don't say anything!" My mom said covering my mouth. "It's awkward to talk about." 

"Did you use protection?" She just pushed my shoulder, helping me off my feet. 

"Oh baby girl don't walk," my dad said bending down so I could crawl on his back. I just laughed, crawling onto his back. "I have a suprise for you when we get home." 

"If it's another dog I might just flip," I warned. 

"No," he laughed. "There is a cat though. It was mine when I was 20 and it has been at grandmas ever since. So we have a new cat. But no. It's not that." 

"Then what is it?" I asked. 

"You will just have to wait and see." I groaned, resting my head on his shoulder. I was very tired. 


"DAD!" I yelled from my room. 

"Yes?" he asked. 

"Your cat is sleeping on my pillo," I whined. 

"Your cat now!" He said rushing out of the room. I was going to yell something but it was to late. He had already ran out of the room. What a loser. "Oh by the way. Wear the outifit on your bed. And be ready in like.. Ten minutes. Think you can do it? Okay love you bye!" 

"WAIT!" Again.. He was already gone. This guys really bugs me. 

I looked at the outift on my dad and knew right away it was my mothers choice. She always had the better taste in clothing. Either that or she got help from Zayn. 

I slipped into my clothes, quickling curling my hair. Why was I getting ready? And why was it at like.. 5:30? ( OUTFIT ON SIDE )

"Ready to go?" my mom asked as she walked in. I looked up to see her and Dylan standing there. "Dylan wanted to see you." 

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