Dark Blue and Deep Red -Chapter One-

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I've been wanting to do a vamp story for a while now. But I didn't want it to be cliche? So here is my go at a NOT remixed Twilight story. Err I hope you like it? Oh yeah! Um feel free to check out my other stuff if ya want. And criticism is KEY so help me know what you want me to do better and all that jazz. So thanks. Yeah... here goes nothing.


This is what I get for sneaking out of the house.

All I had wanted to do is meet my friend Taylor at the park. Is that too much to ask? My parents were fighting again and I was begging for something miraculous to happen that night so I could leave, when she called and asked if I wanted to hang out tonight. I wasn't about to go downstairs to interrupt my parents freaking annoying "discussion", so I got on my plaid jacket and Vans and left. They didn't seem to hear me stepping out my window and climbing down the old oak outside my house. Figures, they had been going on like this for weeks. It was only a matter of time before they split I guessed.

I was on my way to the park by my high school where we decided to meet. It was about a miles walk so I slowly breathed in and let the cool autumn air fall into my lungs. Most people would be shivering in the 12:00 frost, but I found the fresh air refreshing against my cheeks that were turning rosy against the cold.

I could see Taylor when it happened. She was only a few yards away as I walked onto the school property. But they were fast. I heard a rustling and crunching of fall leaves behind me and I quickly spun around. But I could see no one there. I sped my pace, only a little freaked out, when I started hearing the whispering. It was muffled and I couldn't make out what it was saying. Taylor must have been able to see my confusion because she gave me a worried look.

"Mae?" she called, "Are you alright?" I was about to respond when I heard the whispering again, more clear this time.

There was two voices, and they seemed to be debating with each other. I tried to see where they were coming from but the abandoned playground was bare.

"Yes...she's perfect. Just smell it," said the first lower voice.

The second quickly responded, "No! If we take one we have to take the other." Wait...TAKE? My eyes grew wide in shock and I broke into a run. I was not getting taken. Even if I WAS imagining this, it was freaking creepy.

"She's fine too. Let's just go! I'm starving..." At that moment, Taylor, just a few more meters away now, collapsed at the knees. She tried to scream but one of the men hit her across the head and she blanked. I could see the man now. He wasn't as old as he sounded. He was tan and about 5' 9". His dark eyes glistened in the moon light. His hair was cut short, military style, and he would've looked very proper if he hadn't the scruff of a goatee sitting under his chin. He wasn't what I imagined at all. I was thinking all old-guy-who-lives-on-the-streets kinda thing. But he was kinda...attractive?

I snapped out of it. "You should be worried idiot!" I thought to myself. Finally coming back to reality I saw Taylor drop to the ground. That's approximately when I started sprinting. I could vaguely hear the man call out for his accomplice, "Get her! He'll want her too!"

I was too horrified to think about who "he" was. I should be worrying about Taylor. I should be heroic right!? Stand up for my friend? Yeah right. I was getting far away from here and finding the nearest telephone booth to report my story. But for now, I was booking it. I felt bad but i was too scared to do anything but react to my natural instinct.

Just as my guilt was settling I ran into something. I wasn't usually one to be clumsy, especially clumsy enough to run into something as tough as a wall. I flew backwards and landed hard on my back, and then my head hit slowly after. I could feel something crushed against my back. There was a throbbing pain in my wrist and I wrenched it from under me. I winced and the fierce, very apparent sting and cried out in pain, but before I could a hand collapsed over my mouth firmly.

"Shh," it said, "we can't have you doing that now can we? It would alarm all of the lovely neighbors". I looked up the see my capturer. He looked only a small bit older than me, which is 16. Maybe 18 or 19? He had dark brown hair the was cut shaggy and longer than the others, but he still looked somewhat renounced. He had forest green eyes hidden under his shadowed face and bangs that went to his brows. He had a small smirk on his face that showed his teeth....oh my gosh.

His teeth. My eyes were growing wide in panic. It wasn't real. It COULDN'T be real. There, partially hidden under his pale pink upper lip, was a sharp fang. I tried screaming, but my throught was caught. I tried struggling but his knee was forced over my stomach.

"There there," he said teasingly, "you just need a little rest".

And with that I felt a pound on my head and the lights went out.


Tell me what ya think and what needs to change so I can go back and revise it. Thanks again. Also, I tried to NOT make her like Bella...haha personal jokes XD

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