Dark Blue and Deep Red -Chapter Two-

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Hey Wattpad is still acting up so im trying to figure out all this technical junk but yeah. This is the new chapter and I hope ya enjoy it a ton. Oh and sorry if my story isn't available. Some issues. Thanks again.



I groaned as I felt my sore body against the cold wet cement floor. I opened my eyes to see that the lighting was the same whether they were opened or closed. Where was I? It smelled musty. The floor was damp and the room humid. I slowly tried to push myself up of the floor, but was greeted my the wretched pain in my left wrist.

"Crap." I muttered to no one in particular. It gnashed my teeth together to try and bear the anguish. Then I heard a farmiliar voice from next to me.

"Mae? Is that you?" Taylor called from beside me. I clumsily managed to push myself with my right wrist so that I was sitting up.

"Yeah its me." I called back to her. My eyes we're slowly beginning to adjust. I could tell that there were many other bodies around me. People looked just as beat up as I did, if not worse. I could see the outline of Taylor's petite figure close to mine.

"What is this place?" she asked. We both looked around at the shadowy figures surrounding us. Whatever this place was, it smelled fowl. And the stench of a bunch of sweaty barely conscious people wasn't helping. I was sure some of it was from the liquid on the ground. What was this stuff? I was getting damp from it. I gradually pulled my attention away from the floor and back to Tay.

"I don't know, but I don't like it at all" I responded. I should be a little more freaked out, but being beat up just oddly takes a whole lot out of you. I knew we had to get out of here. What if this place was some sort of creepy freak show circus? Or...I didn't even want to imagine what else. Taylor was seeping into panic.

"Mae," she said, "we have to leave." She started to get up trying to find her way around. "I can't stay here. No I can't stay here. Help he Mae!" she was almost screaming. This wasn't like her at all. She was usually tough. Always the one to go out on a limb and take chances. I had never seen her like this before.

"Shh," I tried to help her, "calm down. Come here and sit with me we can't do anything in this light anyways. We'll wait until there's light." She shrunk back down next to me and I could feel tears from her cheek fall onto my shirt. I  grabbed her hand and tried to quiet her. I examined my surroundings one last time. I looked up and saw something that looked like cables on the walls.

Just then, Bright fluorescent lights shone brightly from the ceiling. I blinked at the sudden change of saturation. Without seeing what was going on, I was picked up from my place on the floor by an unfamiliar character and pushed against one of the rock walls. My sore body slammed against it and my arms were forced upwards. They were quickly put into restraints and as soon as the beholder came, he left. My eyes could finally make out some shapes and I noticed everyone else in the room had also been placed against the walls. There were some well dressed men and women, including the ones that had taken Taylor and me, standing and looking around as if they had caught a fine catch of fish. My eyes darted to the one who had knocked me out. His head was down as if he wasn't all that interested, that is until I saw him look up with an evil glint in his eye and stare right at me. If what I thought what i saw about him earlier was true, that he was a.... would that mean they all were?  What I thought were cables just minutes earlier turned out to be the chains that were withholding our wrists. My left one ached with pain. I bit my lip to keep myself from calling out. I looked up to see the damage. The muscles at my wrist were pulled apart and the bone slightly shone through bloody flesh. "Oh gosh," I though to myself. No way was I gonna be able to contain this hurt. I bit my lip harder and could feel blood running down my cheek. I looked down and gasped.

The liquid on the floor that was so mysterious earlier had been revealed. The floor was coated with blood. I was horrified and looked back up to the cleanly dressed women and men who all had satisfied smiles poised on their faces. I guessed I was correct about them.

Suddenly, a man in a pinstriped suit slowly entered the room. He was shorter than many of the others, but he seemed to have a strange power over them. He was quite tan, like the man from earlier, and his hair was slicked back.

"Hello," he said not so graciously in a mocking tone, " and welcome to our home." He eyed the room and started pacing. He continued, "You all have the great pleasure of serving our household this lovely evening. There are some rules to be set in place."

"Why are we here?" I hear Tay's voice call out. She had gathered some courage since earlier, but I wish she hadn't. I tried to warn her about my hypothesis of what they were and to keep quiet but it was too late. The man was slowly walking over to her with a quiet smile on his smuck face. He brushed some hair out of her face with his thumb and spoke quietly but loud enough for all of us to hear.

"Well," he stated, the smile growing, "maybe you would like to show as an example." His fangs, suddenly exposed, clamped themselves over the artery in her through.

"NO!" I called out as tears stung my eyes. "No! You can't!" My voice was growing hoarse and the other around the man looked at me and smiled. All they did was watch. Watch as the man loudly drank from my friend. His gulps were clear throughout the growing silence. The worst of all were her cries. Her screams pierced my ears as I could see the anguish grow in her. She sobbed, but they were slowly leaving her as was the color in her face. He drank until she was only barely breathing. Then he leaned over and spoke to her.

"Rule one; don't speak unless spoken to, " he said happily and so suddenly snapped her neck.

"Now, who's next?"


Yeah so I hope ya like it! Like I said I've been wanting to do a vamp story for a while and just never got around to it but hopefully this is good? So yeah thanks!

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