Dark Blue and Deep Red -Chapter Four-

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Hey guys! Sorry I didn't update yesterday! I was really busy and junk so yeah. Anyways. yup. So here's the next chapter.

Oh yeah and I just wanted to say thank you for all of you who are fanning and voting and commenting. It's really nice. So yeah...thanks again.


It had been a  couple hours. Maybe more. There was no windows in my creepy skeleton infested cellar, so it was hard to tell. After my first attack made by Mordecai, I had been left laying there for at least two or three hours. My insides hurt and I waited to regain some strength and begged my blood cells to produce faster. But I also begged them not to. More blood meant more visits. And more visits meant more pain. And pain was just a reoccurring friend I couldn't seem to get rid of.

After not feeling any better after those few hours, I managed to pull my mangled body to the bed. My EVERYTHING hurt. I body was bruised from being pushed against things and dragged through the hall. But worst of all, my wrist ached like nothing I'd ever experienced. It felt like it was constantly burning. Pain seared through it at the slightest flick of the wrist. When Mordecai had bitten down on it, the bone was pushed further into my muscle, tearing it more. It still bled, but not as much as before. Only a few drops here and there. I must have lost litters of blood, yet here I was. I examined my wrist. A small scab was forming around the edges.

Despite my aching body, I managed to get as comfortable as I could and rest. I wasn't sure how long I had been out for, but the next thing I know I was being rudely awakened. A man was shaking my body forcefully telling me to wake up. I opened my eyes and in front of me there was a man who looked as if he was in his late 30's.

"Finally," he said, "I was beginning to wonder if you would ever wake up." I sat up on the edge of my bed. My body still ached with pain and sores, but I didn't feel as light headed as before. My strength was slowly being regained. My arm fell limp at my side, and at the sight of it, the man in front of me's eyes grew wide and hungry. "Oh geeze," I thought, "not again." He grabbed my wrist and held it in his hands. I couldn't take another blow to my wrist.

He started eying it and I waited for his teeth to meet my skin. But it didn't come. He just looked at it. But then, he took my wrist in both hands and smashed my bone back into its place. Pain took over my body and I screamed bloody murder. My breathing was heavy and I felt like I was hyperventilating. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to make the pain go away, but it stayed as a loyal customer. I could barely speak. The man took a bandage out of his bag and started wrapping it around my injury.

"Stay off of it and don't use it." he said looking slightly disapointed as if he was missingout on a good meal. He got up and left me half sitting half lying, on the bed, still trying to catch my breath. As he was passing through the door way a voice called out from behind me.

"Thank you doctor," It said. The sound ran chills down my spine as the doctor shut the door behind him. My beingached with fear as I looked in the direction of the voice. Sure enough, Mordecai was standing in a shadowed corner, eyes glistening. Ignoring my pain now, I got up and forced myself against the wall, trying to get as far away from him as possible. This made him smile.

"Please," I begged him, "don't hurt me again. Please. I am begging you." I could feel the tears brimming in my eyes. He stepped out of the shadow with a superior, entertained look on his face. His face read, "In your dreams kid." Horror was struck through me and I began, again, panicking.

"Why did you help me?" I asked with a sudden curiosity and trying to buy time. To do what with that time I had no idea, but I needed time.

"You are not permitted to ask question," he said in a sly tone. The hungry look in his eyes didn't escape him.

"Please," I begged through my breaths, "just tell me. You're going to keep stealing my life from me. You at least owe me something. Just answer my question." I ran through my head for a plan.

"I don't OWE you ANYTHING." he said angrily, getting annoyed. He took a deep breath, as if to remain calm, before continuing, "But since you seem oh-so- curious, I can't have you blood being wasted. I will save all of it that I can. That's the point. For you to be here from us if we need blood."

"And here I was thinking you had an ounce of decency that you actually cared how I was doing, " I remarked smartly, trying to cover up my fear. This conversation would end soon and I still had no plan. What would I do?

"Enough talk," he scowled, "it doesn't do me any good. That's not what I want you for." He began slowly walking my way. At the first movement he made, without thinking, I ran into the bathroom of my cell and shut the door, not forgetting to lock it. I backed away towards the wall, hoping I was safe from the monster that lay on the other side.

I heard chuckling. "I told you," Mordecai said, "the more you try to struggle, the more fun it is for me knowing there's absolutely nothing you can do about it."

"Please, " I begged, I was crying again now, "Please. Please." Would I be able to recover the next time? The thought of the same farmiliar pain I got when his insizors entered my flesh made me hysterical. I knew there was nothing I could do. 

In a flash, the bathroom door was ripped from it's hinges, and in a blur, I could feel Mordecai's body behind mine. I stopped cold in my tracks, paralyzed with fear. He ran his fingers along my arms before whispering, "I don't think so kid."

Then, he forced my head to the side before sliding his fangs into the neck and stealing my blood for his own.


Hey guys. I know this one is kinda short but I hope you still like it! Thanks for support.

Ps I suck at grammar if you havn't already noticed. So sorry for any errors in spelling of junk.

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