Dark Blue and Deep Red -Chapter Three-

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Here comes chapter three! WOOH! *rock star hands* yeah anyways thanks for all the people who have read my story. It's good to feel supported. So yeah here goes Chapter Three.


I could barely keep myself standing up, and I wouldn't be able to unless those chains were around my wrists. I hated them.

"What's the matter little lady?" the man said, "Awe was that your friend?" He came over to me and I looked up at him through my tears. His cold brown eyes looked down at me. "Hm," he said with a smirk, "you're quite pretty. Plain brown hair, but eyes darker brown than even mine. Maybe we can plan something else for you." He though for a moment. "Anyone who keeps quiet and does what they are told will be kept alive...well...at least momentarily. But for now I am hungry." With that he leaned closer to me and brought his lips towards my neck, but not before smiling to me and showing his elongated fangs. He sniffed towards my throat. My breathing sped through my tears as he got closer. But before he reached it he spun around and violently to the younger girl next to me and started gnawing on her neck. He made that terrible slurping sound as some crimson splattered onto his cheek.

Her whimpers filled the quiet room and the others started slowly moving towards other prey who had began to shout out and scream in terror. So much for keeping quiet. Only a few of us remained calm.

Without thinking I whispered, "Monsters." under my breath. Fact #1: Apparently vampires having super natural hearing was not a myth. Many of the predators looked over at me with gleams in their eyes. One of the older men started coming over to me. He was only inches from my face when the man in charge who was previously drying the body of the girl next to me of blood detached himself from her and spoke. "Leave her," he said, "we'll make her live in her misery". They were going to keep me alive? My head was clouded with thoughts through my sorrow. Why wouldn't they just kill me? I didn't have many friends. I kept myself pretty distant from the "in crowd". My parents wouldn't miss me. They would be too buys being pissed at each other. But now they were going to keep me alive. Force me to stay with them? Knowing they killed one of my closest friends? I almost would rather have died right there.

"As you say Mr. Darth." he responded. I must have looked horrified because the man in front of me smiled before turning and speedily darting(also not a myth) over to a small boy across the room from me and wrenching his head back, before digging his fangs deep into his esophagus. I closed my eyes and tried to stop myself from going into panic. My head spun with everything that had just completely changed my life around in a matter of hours. I could hear the vampires swallowing the life of those around me. My wrist was throbbing in pain, but it wasn't as apparent as earlier now that everything was happening. Taylor was dead, but they were going to keep me alive, knowing I hated and feared them, to remind me of my heartache. What would they do to me? I couldn't even imagine. Mom and dad's bickering was pretty crappy, but this was thousands of times worse. I wanted to go home. I couldn't live here with them without going crazy.

Then, as soon as it had started, it stopped and they backed away from the bodies, cold and lifeless. My tears couldn't be suppressed. They ran down my cheeks and my neck. Through my blurred vision I looked around at the survivors. There was only three humans left. Along with me, there was a teenage boy who looked my age with blond hair and brown eyes, and a middle aged man who was rather out of shape and scruffy. The vampires left the room one by one until only three remained; the leader, the one who had knocked me out, who was still slowly finishing off one of his prey, holding her delicately, and a lady with slick black hair, but vibrant blue eyes.

Once the one with shaggy brown hair finished, he let the girl fall limply in her chains. I got a better look at all of them. The head man was shorter than both the girl and the boy. His white undershirt was now stained a deep red and he was wiping his mouth with his tie. The lady stood next to him with her arm locked in his as she wiped a stray drop of blood from his chin. So they were obviously...married? I looked down at their fingers and saw identical wedding bands with what I guessed was a family crest. They also had the same satisfied, dark, evil, look on their face. I would take that as a yes. She was wearing a midnight black skirt and blazer.

The boy looked somewhat out of place. Next to the two he looked shaggy and un-kept. His hair covered his face now and I could now make out his BMTH shirt and black vans. But he also had a ring on his hand that had the family symbol. He was a cleaner eater than his...parents? I guessed so. But you could tell they were related by the mischievous smiles on their faces.

"Where are we going to put them, Johnathan?" the lady asked to the head of the household.

"I'm not sure about the other two, Marissa, but I know where I want to put the girl" he said. "Mordecai," he said, speaking to the younger boy now, "you know where." Mordecai's dark brown eyes flashed with excitement. He sped over to me, stopping to examine the fear in my face. He chuckled. Then he unlatched my chains and I yelped in pain as my left  wrist fell from the wall. He looked down at it and licked his lips. Then, the grabbed my upper arm and forced me forward, out of the room.

"Wait!" I said, " what are you going to do with me!?" The couple smiled to each other and the boy's face grew dark.

"Let's just say," said Johnathan, "that you will serve as a sort of...snack. If we're hungry for something refreshing, you'll be there." And with that he smiled and evil smile, fangs and all. I was horrified. They would keep me alive? Feed off of me, but never kill me? "Just kill me now!" I screamed in my head. The pair started laughing to each other and the boy pushed me further still, leaving the other two survivors in the room alone.

I turned back and looked at the couples faces that gleamed with amusement as I struggled against the boy. Fact #2: Vamp strength was true. Great. He just nonchalantly kept thrusting me forward into the dark hall. I tried to scream, but he forced his hand over my mouth and whispered in my ear, "You're a noisy one arn't you?" He smiled. "You'll learn to keep your mouth shut, or suffer the consequences, which, honestly, I wouldn't really mind." He just pushed me forward into the twisting, descending hall. We continued like this, hobbling along, for about a minute until we reached a hard iron door. He took a key from around his neck and opened it. Inside, there was a steel bed with a blanket and pillow and a small separate room complete with a toilet and sink. This is the terrible room they were talking about? I was thinking a saw-death-trap kinda thing. A little relieved, I stumbled into the room with a push from Mordecai, but I was caught by his hand around my hurt wrist. I groaned at the pain as he came close to examine it with hypnotized eyes. I wrenched it away from him quickly, wincing at the shock of pain sent through my arm at the sudden movement. I stumbled backwards a little and hit the wall. I lowered myself onto the floor and looked up to find Mordecai.

As I looked up I saw something terrible. Hanging from the ceiling were skeletons. Human skeletons. I gasped and turned my eyes away quickly.

"You should be scared." he said walking towards me, looking pleased at my terrified reaction. He knelt down to where I was and I shielded my face away from him, but he grabbed my chin and made me look into his dark eyes. We just stared at each other for a moment, before he grabbed my wrist, pupils growing large. He looked down at it and pushed his thumb into my flesh. I screamed in pure agony as the touched my bone, sending a fire through my lower arm. I couldn't help screaming. I begged him to stop but he just brought my wrist up to his mouth. He opened his mouth and I saw his fangs growing from his gums.

Without warning, he stuck it into his mouth and I gasped as i felt his teeth meet my muscle. I screamed, but it didn't help the pain. I felt the blood being pulled to my wrist quickly, and I began to get dizzier and dizzier. I tried to stop him but he gently but forcefully pushed my shoulder hard against the wall. There was nothing I could do. I was loosing all control. He just kept going for what seemed like hours. Then, he stopped. He took a deep breath and laid my limp hand to the floor. A drop of MY blood fell from the corner of his mouth. He smiled and got inches away from my face. My eyes were hot with tears and sweat. He whispered to my face, his breath fowl with the stench of iron, "Half the fun is you not being able to do anything about it." He grinned again and moved my head from side to side, showing how weak I was. He silently laughed, got up, and briskly walked to the door. One hand on the door, and without turning around, he added, "Goodbye for now kiddo. I'm sure I'll see you later."

And with that, he swung the door closed and left me there to wallow in my agony, until I could regain my strength so that he could do it all over again.


Tell me what ya think. Comments with tips please. Thank ya.

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