Dark Blue and Deep Red -Chapter Six-

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Hey guys new chapter. Thanks to everyone for the support. Thanks for reading my boring story lol. Whatever. It's not getting a lot of views but whatever ya know? I'll deal.


I smile broke over his face. "Twenty questions it is," he said smoothly, "but we're playing by my rules."

I wanted information on where I was and who these people were, but playing Mordecai's way couldn't end well. I tried to sound brave. "That's not what I agreed to," I said.

He was sitting next to me, mouth by my ear in a second's time. "Kid," he teased, "you don't have much of a choice." He looked down to my neck and looked up to my eyes again, flashing me a smile. I didn't say anything. It's not like I could move away from him, after all, I could hardly speak. I kept my face hard and he noted it as my agreement to his...our game. He spoke.

"Here's the deal, " he negotiated, "I expect you're wanting to know about the vampire race and your location etc., but it's not information I'm going to give out willingly just to keep myself entertained. Here's how this is going to work. With every answer I give you, " he raised his pointer to my neck and traced a finger across a vein there, "you will give me some of your blood." I widened my eyes in fear and saw his widen in excitement. I couldn't endure anymore.

"I thought you needed to save it," I said, trying to hide my terror.

"We'll we might be able to make some minor adjustments to the rules, " he said, "You are oh-so tempting." He smiled and straigtened up. "Listen, you can give me your blood for trading answers, or I can take it by force. I don't have to answer any of your questions if I don't want to. I don't even have to participate in  your little game. Personally, I just think I'd be more fun for you to have to endure me for a while longer." He grinned. "So let the games begin then?" I nodded my head in reply. He started first.

"Favorite color?" he asked. Wow. That wasn't what I had expected at all. Why would a vampire want to know my favorite color? I guessed he just was wasting questions as to get to my turn, and my blood, faster.

"Green," I answered before asking my question, "Where are we." Before I knew it, my hand was being wrenched from my side and he forced it into his mouth, biting down forcefully. I winced at the pain, but managed to keep in my scream. I didn't have that much energy. Then, he withdrew, bottom lip covered in crimson.

"We're on Earth, kid, " he said smartly, "Come on, you're going to have to be a little less vauge." He glared down at my hand and stroked his bite marks. "Best friend's name?" he asked. I squeezed my eyes shut at his touch.

"I don't have one, " I spoke through clenched teeth. I didn't want to ask a question, so I just kept my mouth shut.

"Really?" he said suprised, "A pretty girl like you doesn't have a best friend to call her own?" I stifened and didn't speak. I was done. We'd only just started playing and I already couldn't go on. I breathed heavily and tried to calm myself down, but before I knew it Mordecai had lashed me across the face with the back of his hand. My face burst with instant pain as I let out a scream.

"I asked you a question kid," he said, "You WILL learn to answer my questions."


Hey guys I think I'm gonna end this story :P not getting enough view etc. I need to know if people are reading and it doesn't look that way. so yeah.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2011 ⏰

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