Chapter 1

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Malia's Pov

I wake up, feeling actually quite happy. Something I haven't felt in such a long time. I mean, I've done stuff that I've been waiting for. I graduated from high school with "flying colours" as the teachers say. I have a loving girlfriend and there's nothing that could possible ruin my day. Please don't make something happen.

Lacey💖 - gm bby

Me - gm!
How are u?

Lacey💖 - tired
But I forced myself to wake up and text you😂

Me - aww

Lacey💖 - ily more
❤ message

Me and Lacey are taking things a bit slow. We're not them couples that have sex like almost everyday. In fact, we haven't. And I'm not gonna say yet because who knows what's gonna happen to us. And, if you're thinking about what happened to Kylie, unfortunately, I still don't know. I do think about her. Kind of miss her. But she's probably moved on and I have, kind of. I mean, at least I think I have. The bond me and Lacey have is good but I guess it's just not the same as mine and Kylie's. Yeah, Lacey's nice and treats me well but Kylie just made me feel like I was the luckiest girl in the world. There's nothing like that with Lacey. It's just not the same.

Kylie's Pov

I finish doing some stuff at the gym and get my jacket on. I look at my phone and see I get a text. From Ruby.

Rubylicous - Heyyy
So I was thinking what if we have a party at mine??

Me - I don't know

Rubylicous - come onnn
What's happened to you?
This isn't the Kylie ik
I know you miss Malia but it's been months Kylie
Just get over her

Me - that would be easy for you wouldn't it?
I know you've fucking despised her ever since
I Can't just move on from her
I fucking loved her
You don't know what it's like ruby

Rubylicous - alr
I'm sorry
Just try and come to the party?

Me - I'll think about it

I really don't wanna go to the party. I've been overwhelmed with shit like getting into college and applications. Just all that shit. And I have an interview like in a few days. God, I'm under so much stress. I don't know what to do, because I don't have Malia with me and everything's gone to shit. I know she probably thinks I'm ignoring her but I got a new number so I didn't get her texts, I mean that's if she did text me. I feel so bad. I really really hope she knows that I love her still. But, if she moved on, it'd break me the most.

I do a few runs around the block then finally arrive at my house. I look at the house next door and think about Malia's smile. I miss her so much. No one lives in that house anymore so everytime I look through my window, hoping for that bright smile to light up my day, I just see a dark room with nothing. No book shelf. No desk with a computer. No bed. No Malia.

I still think about her all time. She's the one thing I always think of every second. I get my phone out again and look on Instagram. I see the comments I got on my latest post.


@ user5713 you look so pretty with that hair style!
@ kyliecantrall aw thank you QT!

@ mattosatto is it normal to be this jealous that you aren't my girlfriend?😝🙈
@ kyliecantrall still dreaming are we?🤭

Oh, you wanna know what's going on with me and Matt? Don't worry it's nothing. We made up a while back. I mean, I think it's nothing. We made a pact to never do anything like that again. And by that, I mean not betting on anyone again and cheating on him, IF we get back together.

I look at Malia's Instagram just to see if she's posted anything recently and how she's doing. I see multiple pictures of her and... Lacey? Since when did Lacey move there! Ugh, they're matching profile pictures too!

I see a picture of her and Lacey kissing on Lacey's birthday. It just breaks my heart seeing it. My eyes tear up looking at it and knowing she's moved on. I mean it's pretty clear why she moved on and it's my fault. I could've texted her on anything else. God, why didn't I? I mean there's nothing to talk to her about anymore. The conversation will die after a minute of updating. It's all my fault that I've lost Malia. But worst of all is that she's with my ex girlfriend now! I can't believe her. Lacey had been trying to hit on Malia back when she was here. It could've been anyone else that moved to Utah as well but no, it had to be fucking Lacey. I TRIED to be nice to her after we broke up - I offered her to be friends after but she just ignored me.

I open the door to my house and lock it, throwing the keys onto the table and sit down on the sofa. I just sit there daydreaming and waiting 'till it's 4PM(AKA HELL TIME). It's my therapy sessions! Yay! Just kidding. It is not fun. First of all, the person looks like they're about to close their eyes any second. Second, my mum forced me to go there since I started drinking again. And third of all, it never helps me! It's like sitting somewhere listening to someone speak and not learning anything! Wait, that kind of sounds familiar... School! Right, that's what it reminds me of. Another piece of shit! Doc says that "you can't stay mad at things forever" but honestly, I am still mad at something from months ago! Her advice doesn't really help me since I never listen and it's not even relevant to my situation, also known as the reason why I'm getting therapy.

4:00. Great, it's time.

I sit down in the chair she sets up for me in her office. I swing around in it, bored already. I blow raspberries as I look up, trying to find something worth to enjoy. She sighs as she sits down in her chair.

"So how have we been feeling today Kylie?" She asks me, getting her folder out. I sigh.

"You know, the same ol' same ol'." I tell her. She sits up and puts her folder in her lap.

"Okay, what does same ol' same ol' mean? You can talk to me Kylie. I'm your therapist, there's a reason you're here." She says. I roll my eyes.

"I feel like shit and under so much pressure! There's the truth! My dad said she would call me every week but he hasn't called me once and I'm tired of waiting for him! Everything is going so bad for me whilst everyone else is living their life not having to question if they should kill their self!" I spill. Now look what you've done. You said too much. I close my eyes for a second, trying to not cry. I open them and see her finish writing down on this paper she fills every session. My sessions with her are weekly, basically every Friday so I can wrap up everything that has happened this week.

"Oh, Kylie. I need you to understand that if you kill yourself, it's not worth it. I know everything has been hard but think about how your friends and family would react if you were gone. They would think it's their fault-" She says but I cut her off.

"Because it is their fault."

"Kylie, you're missing the point here." She says.

"Well tell me then Rita! What is the point? Because it's pretty sure what the point of me killing myself is. Nobody cares about me and they probably want me to die. Yeah so what if my dad will get upset, he'll only try to call when I'm gone! Not now, but when I'm fucking gone." I raise my voice, throwing my arms up. I look up, trying to hold tears back. She gets up from her seat and hugs me. I hug her back tightly because like she said, I can't stay mad at things forever. I start crying.

"I'm- I'm sorry. I- I didn't mean to sh-shout. I'm just really upset." I say as she rubs my back. I sniffle.

"It's okay,  you don't have to say sorry all the time. People get mad sometimes, okay, and I understand that. But just know that I'm always here and I'm trying to help you Kylie." She says. I pull away and nod. She smiles at me slightly. I guess I've kind of been worried about other people more than myself that I didn't even realise how bad it has got. It's just so hard to be happy or force a damn smile when you know that everything is not okay and you just want to go away. But I also know that I can't stay like this forever. The help I'm getting doesn't seem to help yet but I have hope that it will.


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