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Felix woke up with a bright smile on his face. Today would be a great day!

Until he saw the rain pouring down outside.

He groaned. When could he catch a break? It is hard to push people together when they are sopping wet. The cold, wet rain just made everyone aggravated.

It also didnt help that he had to walk to school, and there was only one umbrella in the house. It seems his mother had taken it with her this morning. So, now, for the sopping wet cold rain.

Felix tried his hardest to rush through the streets, holding his hood over his head. He could feel the rain dripping down his back and he internally cringed. He put his head down, trying his best to watch the road for any puddles as he quickly crossed the street.

"Ugh, this rain is so-" He started, but was cut off by the screeching of tires. 

"Holy shit are you okay?" He heard a mans voice, as Felix layed on the ground. 

"My luck is so unfortunate." Felix whined. "I'm not hurt though." He said, standing up.

"What are you doing out here in the rain?" The man asked. Felix groaned. 

"I was on my way to school." He rubbed his elbow. "I dont have an umbrella."

"Here," The man held out the umbrella he was holding. "Take mine."

Only then did Felix get a glimpse of the man's face. He was incredibly attractive. Felix internally groaned. Great, I meet a guy that is totally my type, and he... Felix paused his thoughts as his eyes drifted to the man's pinkie finger. 

No red string.

Felix felt his eyes widen as he looked at the other pinkie. Still, there was no string there. 

"You..." Felix started. 

"Are you going to take the umbrella?" The man asked hesitantly. Felix quickly nodded.

"Oh yeah uh, thank you." He said. 

"Heres my number, in case you have any injuries and need medical bills paid." The man said quickly before getting in his car and driving off. 

Felix held the number and umbrella in his hand, as if he was a deer caught in headlights. 

The man had no string on his pinkie. And apparently, he didnt have a name, either. 

Red String of Fate / / ChanLixWhere stories live. Discover now