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Felix licked his ice cream with a smug look on his face. Chan couldn't help but rub his temples. 

"You know, you're a serious drag," Jeongin sighed, pointing at Chan. Felix nodded in agreement. 

"I was just thinking the same thing!"

"Twins," Jeongin laughed. 

"You better shut up before I drag your ass-"


Felix whipped his head around at the familiar voice. 

"Holy shit, Hyunjin!" Felix ran over to his brother, giving him a quick hug. "I'm hanging out with friends right now. Wait when the hell did you get here? I thought you werent supposed to be here until later!"

Hyunjin laughed. "Well I was on my way to the house, I was going to buy you ice cream before I got there, but it seems like you already got some."

"Guys, this is my brother, Hyunjin. Hyunjin, this is Bang Chan and Jeongin."  

Hyunjin smiled at the two boys. Felix's gaze dropped to Hyunjin's pinkie.

His string was intertwined with Jeongin's. 

He gasped, and to his surprise, so did Chan. Felix raised an eyebrow at Chan, and Chan looked away bashfully. 

Felix glanced between Hyunjin and Jeongin, who had started conversating. He smiled. 

"Uh, we have to get going," Chan said softly. Jeongin looked at him with sad eyes. 

"Can Jeongin and I hang out for a little? I can bring him home," Hyunjin said shyly. Felix grinned. He had never seen Hyunjin be shy before. 

"Yeah, sure, whatever," Chan said, stuffing his hands in his pockets. Felix started walking with him, giving him sideways glances. 

"Felix," Chan said as they arrived at his house. He turned to face him, grabbing his hand, studying his pinkie. 

"What-" Felix started, but Chan cut him off. 

"Can you see them, too?"

Red String of Fate / / ChanLixWhere stories live. Discover now