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The next day was Saturday. No classes, no homework!

Felix flopped on his bed with a grin plastered on his face; he loved the weekends! What was better than not having to-

His phone dinged and he groaned.


Hey, its Bang Chan. Let's work on the project.

On the weekend? You're crazy!

Dude seriously. Come on.

Ugh... fine. But you owe me ice cream!

Fine, whatever will make you do your part. Here's my address. 

Felix put on clothes before walking downstairs with a yawn.

"Hey ma," he says to his mother who was reading the newspaper at the table while drinking coffee. "I have a project due for school so Im going to go meet up with a classmate." He said with a small smile, kissing her forehead. 

"Okay Lix, thats okay." She mumbled. "I might go visit your dad today. If I'm not home when you get back, that's why," She said softly. Felix gulped and nodded. 

Dad was hardly brought up in the family. The only person who brought him up regularly was Felix's brother, but he was away at some kind of camp.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you." His mother spoke. "Hyunjin is coming today. He should be here sometime soon."

Felix basically lit up. He loved seeing his brother. 

Hyunjin was the only person who knew about the red stings that Felix could see. And, even better, he believed him when he told him he could see them in the first place. 

As Felix left the house, he basically skipped to Chan's. He was overly excited that his brother would be showing up today.

When he arrived at the location, he knocked on the door. A boy around his age answered. 

Felix cleared his throat. "Uh, is Bang Chan here?"

The boy tilted his head. "Yeeeah, who're you?" 

"I'm Lee Felix. I'm here to help with a project." Felix mumbled. The boy sighed. 

"Damn Chan, always with that school shit. I was hoping you were a potential lover, Chan is always blabbing about that red-"

"Thats enough, Jeongin." Chan appeared, putting a hand on the others head. 

Felix raised an eyebrow. Jeongin laughed before skipping away.

"I know how it is, having a brother," Felix smiled at Chan.

"He isn't my brother. He's... it's complicating."

"I can listen." Felix shrugged.

"He's some stray that my parents brought in. We arent related." Chan mumbled. "Anyways, let's go to my room. We can start working on it there, first."

"Hey, not until I get my ice cream, bucko."

"Are you procrastinating?" Chan sighed. "Fine whatever."

"Ice cream?" Jeongin popped back up. 

Chan groaned. "Oh my god." 

Red String of Fate / / ChanLixWhere stories live. Discover now