- Matvey -
Ethan opened the gate that surronded the house. "Here we are", Ethan said and let us in before locking the gate tightly. The house was a white one, modern too. "Are you sure it's safe here?" Feliks asked, i didn't dare to say a word. "We'll see about that. Or do you have better places to go?" Ethan asked. Me and Feliks shook our heads so Ethan opened the front door and again let us in first. I was instantly met by a noice that sounded familiar to me, a cat meowing.
My ears perked up. "You have a cat?" I asked. Ethan nodded and lead us to the kitchen, all the windows were shut with planks. "Yeah, this is Romeo", he said and picked up the cat that was begging for attention from him. "How can you take care of a cat meanwhile all of this?" Feliks asked. "I have a big basement full of food. However, i am not sure when it ends", Ethan told us. "You like cats?" Ethan asked, seeing me eyeing the cat. "Yeah.. I used to live with cats my whole childhood", i answered a bit embarrased. "Then Romeo must be great comfort for you", Ethan said.. He sounded differned.. Caring.. Not in a romantic way, but in a way a father spoke to his children.
Feliks smiled faintly, it was a surprise as for now i had only seen him being pissed off and worried about his and our safety. "I'll show you guys where you can stay", Ethan said. He started leading us into a room and that's when it hit me. We were all strangers deciding to trust eatchother, just because we were human. What if they would leave like my own group did? The thought of it made me sick.

Apocalypse 🧟♂️ ( Completed )
Fantasy"We will both die! We are the only ones alive and we are BOTH men!" i cried hysterically and tried to hit him as he got closer. He didn't care and took my hands in his. "Matvey, breathe", he said firmly. "Just listen to me.." TW: This story contains...