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"I hate that damn thing."
The beeping of the alarm was cut short by an angry fist. Who's fist? That would be me, Derek. "I don't understand why the hell I gotta be up at 8:00 in the morning during the goddamn summer." I typed angrily into a kik message to one of my close friends Mel. "Look asshat, you asked me to help you and i am, its not my fault the plug likes to handle business early in the morning." She replied.

"Ugh, whatever you dyke." I made sure to include the angriest emoji i could find. I live a decent life. My parents aren't broken up, I live in a decent home, i get fed, & ever since my brother moved out i can basically watch porn in my room all damn day. So why would i try and fuck up my life by messing with a "plug" you ask?

Cause i don't want a normal fucking life.

I wanna live a house where theres no sleep, theres a bad bitch in every room of the house at all times, theres music playing 24/7, and best of all.
No. Damn. Rules.

And unlike people who want to live the american dream, you know, go to school for 14 years.. Then go to school again just to work to pay off debt for going to school in the first place, i wanted it without all the work. I'll be damned if waste a good amount of my years in a fucking classroom.. Just to literally pay for it.

So.. Fuck it. I'm gunna get the life i want, and I'm gunna grind for it. That's why im up at 8:00 in the morning meeting up with a "plug" and $40 in my pocket.

"So where are we meeting up at, Mel?"
"Who's we?? I'm not a part of this mess, Derek."
"The hell do you mean!?"
Don't tell me she thinks I'm meeting up with a plug on my own.
"You're going on your own."
"Look, i already told him where you are he said he'll mee-"
I didn't even finish reading her message before i sent her a message in all caps.
I swear i looked like an edited Nick Young meme.
"No you clitlicker." She responded. Followed by another message that said "I told him the block you stay on, i told him you'll meet him at the nearby park. Next time read the whole message."

I hate when she makes me feel stupid.

"Yeah yeah, thanks ass kisser, I'll message you after i get the stuff."
So i left my house, parents were both at work so I wasn't questioned, i headed straight for the park on my BMX.

When i got there i quickly noticed someone sitting in the bleachers in a black hoodie and black ripped jeans watching a couple teenagers play basketball. That has to be him, thats like drug dealer apparel 101. I locked my bike up to the nearest pole and headed for the bleachers. I sat down next to the dude, still not knowing what he looks like.

"Got the stuff man?" I said, wasting no time. But what i heard back wasn't exactly what i was expecting. "Who you calling man? Man." What i was expecting to be a deep voice turned out to be the most heavenly sound I've ever heard, & once again, i had that Nick Young face on. The person took the hood off, showing off her short blonde hair. She turned her face and i immediately noticed the freckles on her pale white face, her light pink lips & fleek ass eyebrows. She was wearing shades so I couldn't see her eyes but i bet they were just as beautiful.

I tried to say something but all i could say was holy shit. And i mean HOLY.
"Uhh, sorry, i thought you were somebody els-" she interrupted me. "You here for the 3.5?"
"I thought i was meeting up here with a du-"
She interrupted me again.
"Look man, you here for the 3.5 or not?"
Normally I would've snapped. I hate being interrupted, twice at that. But i couldn't bring it in me to raise my voice at this.. This.. Angel of a girl.

"Yeah.. Yeah."
I gave her the $40 & she gave me a pill bottle with 3.5 worth amount of weed.
She got up to leave but i grabbed her hand. "I thought i was meeting up here with Mel's plug?" At first she had a confused look on her face. Granted, i couldnt see it because of the shades but i could tell by her eyebrows. But then she simply said with a smirk.. "He couldn't make it." She started walking again but there was no way i was letting her walk away. "Wait, what do i do if i wanna buy from you again?" She smiled and i noticed she had golds on the top 6 of her teeth. The sun shined on her teeth as she smiled and she literally.. Glowed. She reached in her pocket and passed me a tracphone.
This has to be the record for most Nick Young faces made in one day. "Im the only contact.. When you need to re-up, just hit me up." She finally walked away and i couldn't believe the ass on her. Call me a perv if you want, but its something about a pale white girl with an ass that just makes me go crazy.
I watched her walk away and under my breath all i said was..

"Will do..".

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