Chapter 8

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The soft buzz of Silas' alarm filled the room, muffled slightly by the pillow he had tossed it onto last night. He groaned, rolling over and slapping at the device until it quieted. Next to him, Kael stirred but didn't move much, his blue eyes half-opening to peer at the dim light of the screen before closing again.

"Morning already?" Kael mumbled, his voice still heavy with sleep.

"Unfortunately," Silas replied, rubbing his face as he sat up. The air in the room was chilly, a sign of the shifting seasons, and he tugged the blanket tighter around his shoulders. "Do you have a class first thing?"

Kael nodded sluggishly. "Yeah, nine. You?"

"Same. Guess we better get moving then," Silas said, though he made no effort to leave the warmth of the bed. He glanced at Kael, who was still curled under the blankets, his tail flicking lazily. "You look like you're gonna skip."

Kael gave a half-shrug. "Tempting," he admitted. "But I'll go. Don't need Ghost hunting me down again."

The mention of their overly enthusiastic friend made Silas chuckle. "Yeah, they'd probably drag you there by your tail."

Kael groaned at the thought but finally sat up, the blanket falling to his lap. "Alright, I'm up."

They went through the motions of getting ready for the day. Silas rummaged through the shared wardrobe space for something clean to wear, while Kael stretched and yawned, his fur slightly ruffled from sleep. By the time they were both dressed, the sun had fully risen, casting golden light through the blinds.

As they walked across campus, the energy of a new day surrounded them. Students hurried to classes, chatting in small groups or sipping coffee as they went. The air smelled faintly of damp earth from last night's rain, mingling with the scent of fresh-cut grass and the occasional whiff of someone's overly sweet perfume.

"You're quieter than usual," Silas remarked, glancing over at Kael as they approached the main campus building.

Kael shrugged, his hands shoved into his jacket pockets. "Just tired, I guess."

Silas didn't press, knowing Kael's silences weren't always invitations for conversation. Instead, he nudged him lightly with his elbow, earning a faint smirk from the fox.

"Catch you at lunch?" Silas asked as they reached the point where their paths split.

"Yeah," Kael said. "Don't let Ghost talk your ear off before then."

"Can't promise anything," Silas replied with a grin, heading toward his art class.

Later That Morning

The classroom was bustling with activity by the time Silas arrived. Students were setting up their supplies, some chatting while others focused intently on their work. He spotted Ghost near the back of the room, their bright blue fur standing out like a beacon. They waved enthusiastically when they saw him, motioning for him to join them.

"Hey, Silas!" Ghost called, their tail wagging with excitement. "Saved you a spot!"

Silas couldn't help but smile at their energy as he slid into the seat next to them. "Morning, Ghost. You're awfully chipper for this early."

"Of course! It's a new day, fresh ideas, and I had three cups of coffee," Ghost said, their grin wide.

"That explains a lot," Silas replied, chuckling.

The class began, and the students dove into their projects. Today's focus was on abstract compositions, a subject that Silas enjoyed but found challenging. He worked in comfortable silence beside Ghost, who occasionally leaned over to comment on his piece or show off their own.

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