Author's Note

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Guess who suddenly dragged themselves from out the grave? 

I have come to realize just how long I've been gone and how little I've updated this poor book, so I am back - for now.

I have made promises to write new requests but unfortunately those are from a year ago. If anyone has a request, let me know! Get it in while I'm still here-


Things that have been posted / What has been changed:

- Vampire 2 was posted!

- Chatbot was posted

- Author Notes will be rewritten into stories or requests.

- Yandere x N reader has been rewritten entirely! (Now titled: Classmate)

- Stalker Yandere x N Reader renamed to: My Stalker

-  Guilt has been rewritten entirely! (First chapter)

- More old chapters will be rewritten if deemed fit. 

- First chapter: Bloody Party has been published. (Rewritten over a previous author's note)

- Second chapter: Haunted has been published.


- New book.

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