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TW: Brief mention of needles

It had started out as a normal day. Daniella was reading Charlotte's Web at the playground near her house. It was normal. She had a normal life. A mom, a dad, and two older sisters, Natasha and Yelena. She was the youngest. The purest.

Back to the playground. She hears Natasha start, the three sisters' secret whistle that they had. It was a way for the three sisters to find each other should they be lost astray. So they know that they're all okay. Nat started, Lena continued, and then Dani finished.

The youngest looked up from her book to see her two older sisters on the playground, doing backbends and she goes to join them with a smile.

"We're both upside down." Yelena declares.

"And I bet you're gonna fall down first." Natasha says, smirking. I giggle at that.

"I bet I'm going to last longer than the both of you." Daniella blissfully says.

Yelena smirks. "No, you both will fall before me. You can't hold it that much longer." All of a sudden, Yelena falls down.

"Told you you'd fall down first." Natasha says proudly and I smirk.

Daniella falls down shortly after and grunts in defeat. Natasha gives her a teasing smile.

Natasha then tags her youngest sister. The three start playing a care-free game of tag but, Dani ends up falling and scraping her knee on the ground. "Mommy!" She cries for the woman she saw as her mother. Her mother comes and asks, "What happened?"

"She fell on her knee." Natasha explains whilst, Yelena frowns.

"Oh, you bumped your knee?" she asks softly. "Mmm-hmm." Daniella says nodding. "Oh... Kiss it better." The older woman says kindly and kisses her knee.

"There we go. Oh, come on, little one. Get up. You're okay. Come on. You're a brave girl. Your pain only makes you stronger." The girl's mother says as she helps her daughter up. The young girl smiles wiping her tears.

"You guys alright?" Mom asked Natasha and Yelena.

"Yeah." Natasha says and Yelena nods. "Look! Forest stars."

"Those are part of the Lampyridae family. And the glow, comes from a chemical reaction called bioluminescence." The girls' mother says widely with a smile.

Yelena and Daniella look at the woman with interest. She then ruffles Daniella's hair with a smile. "Come on, time for dinner."

"Bio-goomin-feasants?" Yelena and Daniella try to say completely not in sync.

"'Bio-goomin-feasants.' That's right. Dinner! Come on, dinner, big girl!" Mom says and Dani smiles. The four go inside, but Natasha takes off her shoes before entering the house. That's when someone knocks.

The older woman gets up from the table and answers it. She calls across the house, "Dad's home!" Natasha goes to greet the three girls' father "Hey, Dad."

"Hey, baby." he responds. He goes to sit with us.

"Everything okay?" The girl's mother asks their father. The older man sighs.

"How was everybody's day?" The three girls' father asks and Yelena and Daniella smile.

"Mom taught us about lamp bugs." Daniella and Yelena both say, once again completely out of sync. "Lamp bugs." The old man repeats and chuckles.

"And I fell and hurt my knee, but it doesn't hurt anymore." Daniella adds with her little blissful smile. The smile that always seemed to comfort Natasha.

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