Chapter 9: Not getting out

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It's been 2 years since an 8-year-old Daniella lost both her sister and her mother. The girl was now 10 and had claimed the lives of too many to count. Among these were the toddler of a former business partner of Dreykov and many murders around the streets of Russia.

Everyone feared the girl. Many argue that her skills are better than those of the Black Widow or the Russia hero known as the Winter Soldier. Since the mind control had been given to all of the Black Widows, Daniella and Yelena had become distant, as well.

One day she was called to Dreykov's office. Dani patiently waits for Dreykov to notice her presence and when he does, he smiles. "Ah, Dahlia. It is good to see you again." He says in a fake fatherly voice, before hugging the girl. Normally Dani would gag, but she doesn't move a muscle this time.

"You know I believed in you. I believed that from a young age you could make the world a better place. You understand, yes?" Dreykov says to the girl. "Yes sir." She says confidently.

Dreykov frowns. "Then why did you fail me?" He puts the vial of red dust on the table. "Madame B found this under your bed." Dani just stares blankly at Dreykov before nodding quietly. "You know I could just have you terminate yourself, but-" He smiles. "I'm not going to do that to my jewel. You wanted your freedom you can have it." Dreykov says.

He pulls off the cork and sprays the dust on Dani face and the girl shakes her head a few times before blinking. She then looks pissed. Dreykov looks a little intimidated and Dani guesses it's because of how the antidote actually works.

"Dahlia?" He questions. Dani takes out her knife. "Don't you dare call me that! You did something to me and now Grade is dead!" She says in a cold angry tone and tries to stab him, but realizes that it doesn't work and her arm is just stuck there. "W-what?" The 10-year-old asks in shock and confusion.

Dreykov grins. "Pheromonal lock. If you smell me, you can't hurt me." He then takes the knife and Dani's eyes fill with unshed tears. All of the memories of her kills slowly wash back to her.

That's when a man walks in. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. "Hello Alexander." Dreykov says in a tone as if talking to an old friend. "I've come to collect your best asset as promised." He says. She recognizes the symbol on 'Alexander''s coat. It is a red symbol of octopus with a ring surrounding it. HYDRA. She's knows a bit about them through run-ins with some of their assets, personal research and the Winter Soldier or James Barnes, the Russian legend that trained her and her sister.

"What's going on!?" Dani demands. "Dahlia Romanova, meet Alexander Pierce." Dreykov says. Dani just glares and Pierce frowns. "I thought you were going to give me Natalia Romanova, the Black Widow! Not this knock off, wench!" Alexander complains. Dani holds herself back from punching Pierce. "Calm yourself, Alexander. Dahlia is as good, if not better than the Black Widow." Dreykov says.

Madame B walks in and looks pissed, but she speaks in a fairly calm tone. "She took down your precious Winter Soldier at 5, Director Pierce. She could probably take you out if she wanted to. Never insult my girls." Madame B says coldly. Dani smirks slightly, but catches herself. "So why am I going to be working for him?" Dani asks motioning her head to Pierce.

"The Red Room had a deal with HYDRA long ago. Their best asset for our best asset. It's how we got the Winter Soldier. Originally it was supposed to be Natalia, but she isn't here is she?" Dreykov asks. Dani sighs softly knowing that she can't just kill Dreykov.

"So...are you in?" Pierce asks and Dani death glares him. "Over my rotting, dead body." She says. Pierce frowns. "Then I'm truly sorry about this, dear." Pierce says and Dani feels a needle in her neck and passes out.


Dani wakes up with her tube attached to her arm and feels lightheaded. She notices the Red liquid being sucked out of her arm to the tune. Blood. Her blood. But why would HYDRA want her blood?

"W-what?" Dani asks waking up. "Hello darling. Try to stay still and it will hurt less. It's only a few more minutes until we're done for the day." The woman wore a creepy smile. 3 minutes feels like 3 eternities and that's when Pierce walks in.

The woman removed the tape and places a band aid on the bleeding area. Dani shakingly stands up. "Careful there, darling. We have a few more procedures to complete to get you settled in before you can sleep." The man explains.

Pierce leads Dani to a dim room. It had a single window that shone a pale blue light into the room. The the middle there's a chair and a little while in front of it is a beautiful, glowing rock. The is a camera and glass behind the chair as well as some people with clipboards. Dani enters the room and sits on the chair.

Eventually she hears a voice speak. "For our notes, Ms. Romanoff, can you please state your name and confirm your status." A scientist says from the other side of the glass and Dani hesitates. They didn't call her 'Romanova' so maybe she should use her other name. "Daniella Romanoff, the asset given in exchange for the Red Room having the Winter Soldier." She explains.

"Begin Experimentation. Touch the sample." The redhead is instructed. Dani nods and touches the sample. She sees a yellow light and within it the silhouette of a woman with interesting looking clothes and a crown. Dani then feels exhausted and passes out completely.


She then wakes up in a chair. Dani is confused when she feels her arms get clamped to the chair and the chair move back. Something goes around her head and Dani feels a sharp pain in her head. It hurts like hell, but she doesn't even flinch. The girl has been through hell so this pain is nothing to her.

After awhile of just this happening, Dani ?? realizes that she doesn't remember anything. Not a name or anything. "You're name is Asset 2." A mysterious blonde man finally says. "You work for HYDRA, am I clear?" The man asks. "Yes sir!" Asset 2 replies obediently.

"Good, now just one more thing." He says and pulls out a red notebook with a black swan on it. "Красный, Kровь, Сестра, Цветок, Светлячок, Ветер, Волк, Молодой, Паук, Рождество, свет, Проклятый." Alexander repeats and Asset 2's mind goes blank.

"Солнцестояние(Solstice)?" The man asks.

"Готов соблюдать.(Ready to comply.)" Solstice repeats in a monotone voice.

A/N: Thought I should give you guys the meanings behind Dani's Trigger words so here:

Красный - Red - the color that stains her hands, her hair color and nickname

Кровь -Blood - she can never seem to wash it off her hands no matter what

Сестра - Sister - the two people she longs for and wants back

Цветок - Flower - What her real name is as well as her beauty as a person and how beautiful her personality was

Светлячок - Firefly- Referring to her childhood in which she caught fireflies and saw their beauty

Ветер - Wind - an analogy for the Red Room/HYDRA

Волк - Wolf- another analogy to HYDRA and the Red Room as well as that's how she's treated + future lore

Молодой - Young - referring to how she was the youngest girl in the Red Room

Паук - Spider - Because she was known as "HYDRA's Widow"

Рождество - Christmas - A reference to her sister, because the name Natalia/Natasha translates to this

свет - Light- A reference to her other sister, as the name Yelena translates to little light

Проклятый - Cursed - a reference to how unlucky she is + future lore

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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