Chapter 5: The Taskmaster Protocol

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Natasha holds Dani's hand. "Come on, you have to wake up." She whispers softly. Dani had been in a coma for a whole week since the explosion.

Since then, Natasha didn't eat much when the small amount of food served, was given. She also hasn't slept as much either.

The Head Nurse, Nadezhda Angelova, had been disappointed about the fact Natasha had constantly come to visit her whenever she had the chance.

The fact is that Dani is alive, but apparently she's also brain dead. Natasha hated this of course. She couldn't help, but blame herself for not keeping her sister safe.

That's when Dreykov and Madame B step in. Madame B glares at Natasha. "Go back to your training, Natalia." She says in a cold, thick Russian accent.

Natasha shakes her head and Dreykov smiles. "Let her stay. She can face punishment later anyway. Besides we have more important things to worry about. Like finding a way to bring her back."

Madame Angelova sighed. "We've tried everything sir. Nothing's working." Dreykov shakes his head, his smile widening. "Not everything." He hands the young woman a file in a way so that Natasha couldn't see. This makes her angry as she wants to know what they're going to do with her little sister.

She holds this anger back though and focuses on the positive. "Is she going to be alright?" Natasha asks with great concern. Dreykov nods. "The Red Widow shall come back in perfect health. Even better possibly." Dreykov says before leaving.

Madame Angelova takes a deep breath. "You better get back to training dear. The things were going to do to your sister are classified and you wouldn't want to watch them." Natasha glares stubbornly at the nurse before kissing Dani's forehead and going back to training.

Daniella's POV

The redhead wakes up in shock. She couldn't deny the pounding in her head, but....she's alive. That's when she realizes. "Where's Sylvia?" She asks aloud and Dreykov comes with a smirk. "Доброе утро, Вдова.(Good morning, Widow.)" He tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear and she tries not to flinch or throw up. "How do I put this gently? Sylvia Barton has died in the crossfire of your mission."

The girl tears up. "No..." She says with a gasp. Dreykov nods. "It's unfortunate, but that's how some things turn out." He says with a creepy, fake fatherly tone. "When you're feeling better come to the training room. I wanna test something." He says with a smile.

Dani nods and a few hours later she goes up the elevator to the said training room. There she finds Madame B, Dreykov and Grace with clipboards and pens. Grace had a mixed look of fear, anger and disgust. It wasn't a good mix in Dani's mind.

On the otherside of the room is none other than Marissa who looked pissed as hell. Madame B smirks before announcing. "You two are to fight eachother like the many times before." She announces that's when Daniella realizes the chip in the back of her neck. She didn't really understand it, but it was there. Marissa didn't even listen before charging after Dani.

The two sparred like old times, but the weird thing is Dani realized that she could copy the moves of the older girl. That's when Marissa lands in a pose and Dani mimics it exactly before kicking the girl in the stomach and pinning her to the ground in a chokehold. The girl tries to struggle free, but eventually Dani couldn't hear her breathing nor feel her heartbeat anymore.

She let's go in shock and the three write things on the clipboard, before Dreykov smiles. "Welcome to the Taskmaster Protocol, Dahlia." 

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