The Man With The Slender Figure

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John and I walked to the band room. Me, trying to figure out what just happened. Did Zach really come back for me? If he did, would I take him back? Or should I forget him? I can't forget him. Or was he working with Alyssa to break me down more? Did Alyssa try to steal Zach from me? Alyssa, the bitch with the black dress and the half ass dyed blonde hair. Her hair was all broken from the bleach and then she straightens it 24/7. My dreaming of Zach turned into plotting murder on Alyssa.

How could she do this to me? "Ad. Earth to Adeline" John was waving his hands in front of my face like he was signaling SOS. "What John?" He looked at me like I had four heads. What happened? "John! Tell me what's wrong?!" He wouldn't answer me. He looked at me, a tear falling gracefully down his cheek. His eyes were glossy like there was more tears about to come streaming out. "JOHN! Why are you crying?" He just sat there. Staring, the same way you stare at a car crash. You want to help, but you just don't know how. You see them in pain, but you can't help. You see it all happen before you eyes, in slo-mo. He looked horrified. But at what?

Suddenly a man with a slender figure showed up. He wore a black tux. He held a clip board and looked at me. Then John. Then back to me. "What can you tell me about our victim?" His voice was low and raspy. He looked dead at John. John shifted from one foot to the other. Trying to calm himself down.

"We were walking to the band room because the school didn't feed us." John stopped there. "Go on son." The man said. "We were approached by a few students. One started harassing her. Calling her names. And one held her back." Johns face started to turn pale. "We finally got away from them, and one chased after us. She was having another one of her memories that nothing can wake her from. When she finally realized what was happening, she ran into the bathroom in an attempt to get the student away from me. It worked. I don't know what happened in the bathroom. All I know was I made sure the bathroom was empty and went to check on Ad. The first thing I noticed was her wrists. It's always the first thing I check. They were bleeding so much. I..I.. I didn't know what to do. Her face was lifeless. Her whole body was just lifeless." John started crying again.

What happened? Why don't I remember any of this? Why could John hear me? Why was I really alone in this depressing, suicidal world? The world where if you're skinny, you need to lose weight. If you're anorexic, you need to eat. The world where being a slut and druggy is acceptable, but expressing yourself by dying you're hair or listening to the screamo music is prohibited. The world where people like me don't stand a chance.

"So I'm guessing you knew this girl pretty well in order for you to go against the law and enter a woman's bathroom."

"She was my best friend." was.. Was.. WAS! Why was? Why not is?

"How was her family life?"

"Dad, mentally and emotionally abuses her. Step mom and her kids are 10x worse than her dad. Her mom actually listens and helps. But she gets angry at the most innocent stuff that Ad doesn't really tell her much. She has a brother. His name is Ryan. He's adopted. His parents were horrible to him so Ad's mom took him in. They get along so good. She happy and she can't stop laughing. But one day he was at a Cross Country meet and a kid named Tim tripped him and he fell and broke his leg and broke a few ribs from the impact. That was last week and he's still in recovery at the hospital. She's been lost with him."

"Well, thank you for you're time. If you have anymore things I should know, call me on this number. She'll be saved by my team of experts. We'll get you friend back to perfect shape." He handed John his business card and crouched next to me. It seemed like he was staring into my soul. "She looks like she could still be alive. I have hope for this one."

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