The Boy With Two Hearts

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I just stared at Robbie. He must be crazy or something, right? No one eyes glow. No one speaks Ortiz's name. He was evil all the kids say. He's the devil. Yes, he gives you the two things you desire, but you always end up mysteriously disappearing after entering this room. I turned around, about to walk out the door but... wait. Where's the door?! My arm gets pulled and I get tossed to the wall behind me. "Time to get my second desire, princess." Robbie's warming, calming smile turns into something so sinister. His eyes start to glow brighter but instead of glowing green like his natural eye color, they start to glow purple. "What are you?!" I screech at him. He snarls and saunters towards me. "Just a guy who wants you to be his." WHAT?! OMG OMG OMG. Breath Adeline breath. "wh...Why m...Me?" barely talking English. My voice was trying to show that I'm not scared but that was fading.

He crouches down next to me. He suddenly turns back to normal. His adorable eyes that change color. His voice, calming and sensitive. "What's wrong? You slammed yourself against the wall as soon as I walked in. You kept staring at the corner, talking to yourself, looking horrified. What happened to you?" I looked at him, confused as to what just happened.

"So, you weren't just in here? Your eyes don't glow? And you aren't a werewolf thing trying to get me to be his bride?" he stared at me like he was trying to read me. Trying to understand. "No. I was in the bathroom and I heard someone talking in here. No one comes in here because it holds are dark spirit. It lures you in by showing you something you wish was yours then turns that thing against you. Even if you don't know you want that thing, the dark spirit knows. It watches us all in the halls. Learns our secrets. Learns our past. Knows our future. Tries to end your future by turning what you want against you." How'd he know so much about this? Has this all just been a terrifying hallucination?

"Let me take you to go get something to eat. The plaza down the road has a great variety of food. I'll take you now. Let's go." He helped me up, brushed me off, and walked me down the never-ending hallway, down the never-ending stairs, to the band room. The band room is the only door that leads outside without a camera. We walk out, go throw the woods, and into the parking lot. There we see the whale talking to an abnormal guy. His hair was grey with black streaks. It went down to his shoulders in a ponytail. He wore a red biker jacket and black jeans. And blue suede shoes. The world's ugliest outfit.

"Gross. Is the whale flirting?" Robbie said with so much disgust in his voice and on his face. I couldn't help but laugh. My laugh causing him to laugh. "WHO IS THERE?!" Oh god. The whale heard us. Robbie puts me on his back and starts running. "Are you sure you aren't a werewolf?" I asked jokingly. "You'll never know Ad. We all have secrets. Even you do."

He ran with me on his back all the way to the plaza. He was right. There was a variety of food. Chinese. Italian. Dunkin donuts. Friendly's. Starbucks. It was heaven. "Let's go to Long Horn!" I turned around to see that he was already going that way. "I knew you'd want that." He winked at me. "How'd you know?" "Ryan told me. He doesn't stop talking about you. And I have a surprise for you. But you have to trust me. Will you trust me?" "I guess but what is the surprise?" "It's a surprise, silly." He blindfolded me and led me into the restaurant. All the smells went straight into my nose as soon as I walked in. The juicy steak. The seasoned fries. The salad drenched in dressing and croutons. He led me to a table and had me sit down in the booth. I went to slide over but I bumped into someone. Suddenly my blindfold was taken off and I was sitting next to my favorite person in the world. "RYAN!"I gave him the biggest hug. I could feel his two hearts beating. Yes two. Because he holds so much love in him that it fills two hearts. My eyes started to tear up...

I then woke up in the nurse's office, my future husband staring at me. "What's going on?" "I love you Ad. Always have. Ever since I first saw you." "What are you?"

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