Love is not a Illusion

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"Happy new year!"
The classical sounds and chimes of dunken happy noises echoed the living room as the clock chimed the start to a new year.
A new beginning.

"Happy new year"

Harry's tone filled my right ear as long, strong arms wrapped around my waist, causing my sober giggle to flutter from my chest.

I didn't drink.

"Happy new year my love"

I turned to face my beautiful boyfriend.
His curls, now limp, fell over his gorgeously pale face, which magnetised his emerald pools of magic, hypnotising me into a trace.
His petal like lips were placed into mine.
They pressed deeper.
And deeper.
My eyes fluttered open when the tune of bells sounded from Harry's pocket, repeating and repeating to get his attention.

"Be right back handsome"

Harry walked towards my front door, closing it gently.
I stared at the dark red oak which he and left from, wondering who had called him at the minuet of midnight.
All his, or I should say "our" friends were here, so was all his family, so was all of my family.
Everyone he could of possibly known was at my house.
Maybe it was someone I didn't...


Sloppy arms were thrown around my shoulders from behind, casing me to jump but laugh at the same time.

"You'll never guess what!" A boy slurred into my neck, casing my cold hairs to rise from the warm breath.

" I kissed Liam!"

I giggled.

"Zayn you have a girl..."
I turned around, expecting to see a tall, dark, rugged boy with a black quiff and dark eyes, only to find a blonde blue eyed drunken idiot who I called my friend.


"Well he kissed me really, I was standing alone like..." He turned around, close to collapsing to the left but I held him up.
"Right there, next to your fire place, w..when payno strolls up in front of me, his breath fuming with alcohol, all he said was "happy new year"... And BOOM! He kissed me right..."
Niall pointed to his crotch "here"
He stopped dead, smiling, then with wide eyes he said "I ment here" and pointed to his puckered lips.

"You should go find him, maybe he'll give you a quick kiss down..." I squeezed his penis outside his trousers lightly "here" and I winked.


It was only 2am and everyone had gone apart from myself, (well it was my mothers house where I lived after all) and Harry, who's lap I was now resting my head on as we talked about New Years revolutions.

"I want to learn how to play the piano"
I said, looking down at my black jeaned legs.

"You already know how to play the piano Lou" Harry said, reaching his hand to lightly stroke my hair, curling each brown strand in between his long fingers.

"But I want to play more songs than just fray, it's beginning to bore me, the constant replay of each song..." I paused and looked up and Harry, whose eyes never left my face.

"I want to try something new! Maybe my own song?" I stopped and thought...

"Lou you could never write a song to save..."

A faint chime came from Harry's right pocket, were he quickly departed from stroking my hair and pulled out his phone, furrowing his eyebrows as he unlocked his screen.

I looked back down to my legs, hurt by what Harry had said...

You could never write a song.

I smiled to myself, thinking of ways of how I could prove Harry wrong.

Harry giggled, above me, I looked up to find his finders rapidly tapping away at the screen, smiling as he did so.

"Who are you texting?"

He didn't reply, only biting his lip to replace his smile.


I poked is arm, making him jump and look at me.
His eye were wide with worry.

"Louis what are... When... I thought I went home, I b...better go."

"Harry you don't have to go yet, mum said you could stay the night..."
But my sentence trialled off as Harry rose from the sofa, the pillows lifting a he did, and he walked from my living room straight to the front door which he had left to take a call not even two hours ago.

"I'll text you" he said, and opened the door, slamming it.

What just happened?

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