Ready to run.

27 1 1

Two days.

Two fucking days.

48 hours of pure frustration.

No calls.
No texts.

I sat crossed legged on this leather sofa, my phone right next to me as always, just incase Harry try's to call...
I was watching television, or in more detailed terms blankly staring at the dark tele screen with no picture.

"Go round his house pet"

Jay had been in the kitchen for the past hour, preparing food that her son would probably not eat.

I had told her everything.

"What if he isn't home?"

"Then you can tell Anne that you were round to see him"

I laughed to myself
"Yea what will I say? 'Oh hi Anne! I've just popped by to talk to your angel of a son who has ran off and slept with a woman, and for a extra bonus is now pregnant with Harry's child!"


I gritted my teeth through the last few words, clenching my fists and slamming then down beside me.

"I thought he loved me."
My mumbled was so faint I hoped my mother wouldn't hear.

"Loubear he does love you, I know he loves you..."

"Then why the fuck has be gone and got another girl pregnant?!" I said, well shouted, standing and turning to her.

"You don't know any of the back story, any of the details..."

"I don't WANT to know any of the details..." I mumbled look down to my fuzzy socks Harry gave me...

The prick.

My mum sighed.

"Look Louis, all your doing is getting angry and upset by doing nothing... If you go round his house, at least talk to his mum... Then something good will come out of it, okay?"

I only nodded.

She smiled and turned back towards the kitchen.

I sat back down onto the sofa, the fabric absorbing my weight as I laid back I into the cushion.

"Nothing good can come from this"
I mumbled as a tear streamed down my cheek.

One year ago;

Eleanor's finger nails dug into the back of my hand, I didn't want to say anything to the poor girl but...
It kinda hurt.

We were sat with our backs to the wall in the hospital, awaiting any news on Eleanor's sister, the nurse who had taken our case told us that she had no major injures, but the shock she was experiencing was quite severe.

After Xayn had let go of Natasha, her weak legs and offered her no support, causing herself to fall to the floor, hitting her head, moments later passing out, luckily only 4 minuets later her, myself and Eleanor were entering a ambulance, only driving 6 minuets to the nearest Hospital.

"Miss brewer?"

Eleanor's head shot up just before she stood up, pacing over to the nurse who had called her name as a followed shortly behind.

"How is she? How is my sis..."
Eleanor was rapid with questions until she was hushed by the woman in front of her.

"She's fine miss brewer, I was just coming to inform you that she is now awake and..."

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