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"You don't look to good?.. Matt?" Shawn mentioned.

Did I look ill? I wanted toe puke type of ill.

"I'm just, ha, shocked. You sound pretty rad dude. More than penguins. You, ha ha, you know me and my penguins."

I made a weird toke.

But that's how I am in my short media clips so no one took it badly.

Taylor grabbed the guitar from Shawn,

Whispering, "teach me."

Some seductive voice.

Shawn was dragged upstairs.

Once again.

"I'm sorry Matthew."

"Carter, I thought he liked me."

With that saying,

Carter embedded me in his arms as I made light tears fall to his chest.

It was already eight.

I guess Carter and Taylor are sleeping over, considering the silence from Shawn's room and the weeps from mine.

I'm crying over a crush.

Worst thing is,

I thought it was more than a crush.

I thought he liked me too.

- Matthew

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