Glitter and a lot of it.

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We arrived at the party to see, what must have been, at least 400 teenagers. They were drinking beside the pool, jumping on a bouncy castle, singing and dancing and generally having a great time.

Me and Sean went to the kitchen and got drinks for Leigh, Max and ourselves. Tonight was the night we loosened up.

We drank, socialised, danced and drank some more until we felt like we were on top of the world.

Girls, who weren't even gay, we're getting it on in the large pool. A group of 30 were playing spin the bottle on the sitting room floor and Leigh had found herself a cowboy to talk to. Max had made friends with a lesbian from North Shore High, called Lydia, and she complimented me on my dress. I felt great.

I had one drink too many and it was time to go to the bathroom. I walked up to one of the bathrooms in the house to find it was already occupied by three college students, one of which was my cousin.

Trying to distract myself from what I just saw, I looked for another bathroom.

I found one, and in great timing too as I almost exploded as I reached the marble toilet seat.

After doing my business, I walked to the sink. I washed my hands and freshened up my makeup and hair. I felt so refreshed.

I headed back down stairs to find my boyfriend and best friends but they were no where to be seen as more people were attending the party each minute. The place was so crowded, I had to exit out onto the street to get some fresh air. Claustrophobic me.

I walked along the street, alone, which was dangerous , but I was intoxicated and had no care in the world.

As the fresh air hit against my face, I sat down on a bench to think about life. I felt like such a hipster, if only I had a Starbucks cup with my name wrote on it with Sharpie, this moment was so Instagram-worthy.

As I look at my shadow on the ground I hear footsteps walking towards me.
For a few minutes I start to freak out, I look down the street to see if I can see where the noise was coming from. In the distance, a frail woman in a purple shawl walked towards me.

She sat down on the bench beside me and stared at me.

"Hello" I smiled, being polite.

She smiled back, handed me a black pouch, stood up and walked away. Soon enough she was gone, I was left alone to comprehend what had just happened.

I opened the pouch to see its contents. Glitter, and a lot of it. I rummaged around to find a purple stone with a message wrapped around it.

'Love is like war, easy to begin, hard to stop.'

I look at the message, puzzled. I stare up at the moon to wonder what the message could mean.

Was Sean cheating on me? Was this just a crazy woman and I happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time? Was this a prank?
So many questions rushed to my head and not enough answers.

I placed the pouch into my clutch bag and walked back to the party to find familiar faces.

I saw Leigh, dancing and I grabbed her, I told her in her ear "Code Red!" And she followed me immediately.

We soon found Max and Sean and we got an Uber car, dropping Max and Sean to their houses and Leigh and I to mine. She was sleeping the night.


"What do you think it means?" She asked me.

"I don't know and I'm worried. Maybe it's just bullshit but why me?"

"The chances of having an old woman telling your fortune at 1 am is very unlikely, which is why I think this was fate." Leigh answered.

We were both superstitious. The message confused us both until we both came to the conclusion meaning that it just meant me and Sean will always be together. We decided the message was nothing sinister and was a good fortune.

I placed the pouch in my jewellery box for safe keeping and tried to forget about it until a later date.

Leigh and I changed into our pyjamas and fell into a comfy slumber.

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