Do I have a crush?

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Our trip to Arizona is tomorrow and I am finishing the last page of my project. It was pretty boring and pretty basic and included basic facts that I bluffed with pretty words such as "flamboyant".

After adjusting finishing touches, I begin to pack. It's almost midnight so it's time I get my skates on. I pull out my baby pink carry on case and lay it on my bed. I pack the basics such as underwear, jeans, t-shirts and my toiletries. Packing always gets me so hyped!

My digital clock soon turns 01:30 and it's time for me to get some beauty sleep. I get into my queen bed and turn off my bedside lamp.

I walked into my classroom to find Mr Heat. I was early and so was he, which is super unusual as he is always late.
"Hey Dandy Daya!" He winked.
"Hello... teacher?" I reply, nervous and confused. Heat goes to the door, closes it and pulls down the blinds. He then proceeds to grab my hand. At this point, I'm shook'th to the core'th. "What the..." before I get to finish my sentence, Mr. Heat pulls me in for a kiss.

This is where I woke up. What a crazy dream, safe to say that I won't be looking at Mr. Heat the same this weekend.

I met up with Leigh and Max before going into school, Sean was getting a hair cut before we leave. We went to home room to go over some home rules. No drinking, no smoking - basic procedure. We also aren't allowed on balconies after dark, after a previous incident.

As we are all putting our bags on the bus, Sean arrives with his fresh cut. He grabs my hand and we sit on the bus, side by side.
"Now, remember the rules!" Announces Ms. Flannigan.
"Come on Arizona! Woooooooo!" Shouts Mr. Heat, followed by a crowd of cheers, whistling girls and a chorus of laughter. He certainly lifted out spirits but I can't help but think about my dream I had last night. Do I have a crush? Have I been swoon by the wrath of the hot Mr. Heat? Does this mean I love Sean any less? My head is rippling with questions that I don't know the answers to.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2018 ⏰

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