I can feel the Heat.

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"Everyone, shut up. This is your new English teacher for this year his name is Mr. Heat. I'm sure you'll like him a lot." Mr Flaherty, our principal said before leaving and closing the door behind him.

Mr Heat, who was ironically looking pretty hot, rubbed his hands and sat on my desk. I could feel his breathing, I didn't blink once.

"Hello everyone. How are you all?" A crowd of  enthusiastic girls shouted 'good' whilst the boys just grunted. I stayed quiet. "As you know, my name is Mr Heat. I'm filling in as your English teacher while that other dude is away. But don't worry, I'm fun." He winked at me. I had no reaction, my boyfriend was on the other side of the room. He tapped my desk and went over to his own. He sat in his seat and fiddled with a pencil.
"So, let's get started. Please open your text books to page 176." 
I whipped out my book and flipped the pages to 176. I opened up on a poem by Seamus Heaney called 'Blackberry Picking".

Mr. Heat read the poem to us in his sexy manly voice. English was my favourite subject before, well now it definitely is. I can feel the Heat.

The class soon finished, too soon actually. I only had one more class until school was over. Health class.

Health class in my school revolves around drugs and sex. Like we even need a class for this, it's 2016. I daydreamed my way through the class before I could finally go home.

Sean caught up with me before I got to my car.
"Hey baby." He ran, and went in for full-frontal French kissing.

I ended the kiss with a "Hello my sexy hombre".

"I love when you talk like that."

"You love when Mrs Moun talks like that in Spanish class too."

"Someone getting jealous?" He asked.

"Not at all. I have you whipped, Sean."

"That's what you think." He winked, before going in for another kiss.

As Sean walked away to go to his car, I saw a figure staring at me on the opposite side of the parking lot. As my eyes focused, I saw it was Mr Heat. Was he staring the whole time? How long was he stood there.

I looked at him confused. He smirked, got in his car, and drove away.

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