Assignment Time!

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"Good Morning, happy Wednesday!" Sean said as I got out my car on this beautiful sunny day. "I have a surprise for you." I was intrigued. He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to his car. I opened the trunk to find a dead man wrapped in a blanket.

I'm just kidding, but that would be so crazy right? 17 balloons popped out of the car, I saw 17 roses neatly assorted alongside 3 boxes of chocolates and a McDonalds McMuffin. This guy was trying to get me fat in the most romantic way. Today was my 17th birthday, but honestly, just felt like a regular day. I thanked Sean and gave him a hug and kiss in return of the wonderful gifts.

"Grab your McMuffin, were skipping school until lunch." He explained, how peculiar.

"Grab my ass, cowboy." I mocked. " What about our education, huh?"

"It can wait, plus, we'll just go back later." I suppose it was all part of my birthday extravaganza. I got into the passenger seat of his car. "Starbucks?" He asked, and I replied with a "You betchya bottom dollar."

We rolled up to the Starbucks window to be greeted by a girl. She said, "Hola, Como estás?

She said, "Konnichiwa"

She said, "Pardon my French"

I said, "Bonjour Madame",

I'm just fucking with you, I'm sorry, I'm in such a good mood! It's my birthday, give me a break. We just got some regular-ass coffee and drove to the mystery location.

We arrived at the peak of Mount Diablo. It was so high up but so pretty to look at. We just sat at a bench and talked for a few hours. Sean is such a good guy, I could never get sick of him. We tell a few jokes before heading back into the car. It was a really relaxing morning and I'm glad that me and Sean got some down-time. It's not often that we're alone.

Back at school, I see our regular gang sat at our busy blue table in the middle of the cafeteria. They got up to give me hugs and presents and to say happy birthday. I have great friends. They joked about Sean and I hooking up all morning on the mountain, which didn't happen, by the way. They sang 'She's a Jolly Good Fellow', that was pretty embarrassing but over all I had a good lunch break.

I head to my career's class with Sean and we get taught about some pretty boring stuff. My teacher rants on about apprenticeships whilst I play hangman with Trish,the girl who sits beside me. Then, we were saved by the bell and it was time for another useless health class. The weekly condom basket was handed out and students grabbed what they could, I on the other hand, took none. I dont want my classmates knowing how much sex I have! I'd rather go out and buy a $7 box. Though, I wish they were handing out free period products rather than baby repellents.

Last class of the day was English class. It's a handy class, we read and it's relaxing for a last class. Mr. Heat is pretty funny too. He's more of a friend than a teacher, it's cool to not fear your teacher. I sat at my desk, took out my books and waited for the teacher. He was 2 minutes late. He came into the room and dumped 40 files on his desk. "Assignment time!" He chirped, this was our first assignment of the year. "As you critters know, the college weekend is in two weeks, we're going to the University of Arizona, blah blah blah di-blah blah blugh, anyway, I want you guys to do a research project on it. I thought it was a good opportunity for you guys to learn some essay-writing skills." He layed out the requirments and it seemed pretty simple. I was excited for the college trip- it's basically a weekend sleepover with your friends and hot college boys. What's not to love?

The bell goes and I pack my stuff to leave, as per usual, I am a slow coach- and last to leave.

"Oi, Daya" I heard , approaching the door. I turned around to see Mr. Heat ,smirking.

"What did I do?" I laughed.

"Did you understand the concept of your assignement, any questions, queries, blah blah?"

"You say blah an awful lot."

"How observant of you, well anyway if you get stuck - dont be afraid to ask questions or text me." He handed me a note with his number on it.

"I'm sure I'm fine but cheers, see you tomorrow."

I left the school and went to my car. Sean was there. "What took you so long, homegirl?"

"Glad you asked, homeboy, Mr. Heat just gave me his number."

"Do I have competition?" Sean joked, but then that got me thinking, did he?

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