A Cold Dish

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Peter Parker laughs as he sings, following the words on the massive screen on his best friend's T.V. The people around him clapping as Harry Osborn wraps his left arm around his shoulder and sings along.

The rich teen decided to throw him a surprise party, at first he was hesitant. He had never been to an actual party before, at least not one that wasn't a birthday party, but despite it being filled with people he didn't know and drinks he wasn't even allowed to be near his apprehension was quickly forgotten.

He takes a gulp of his drink, it's disgusting and tastes like bleach but it's not like it does anything to him, so what's the harm?

Not only that but it makes everyone else happy.

“Here! Here! Try this!” Someone pushes another drink in his hand, it's filled to the top and he recoils at the smell but shrugs it off and gulps it all down.

It burns, like lava sliding down his throat. When he's done he stumbles and the world goes sideways, the sides of his vision darkening but after a few seconds it clears. 

“Oh my god! This dude is a fucking maniac! He just drank a full cup of Everclear and barely blinked!”

The guests scream in glee.

“You damn right I did!” Peter roars out and everyone roars with him.

Harry laughs and hugs him, “That's right party people, this guy can drink anyone under table!”

Elizabeth Allan looks on in worry at her boyfriend as she sips her soda, she turns to her friend who’s playing beer pong like her life depends on it, “D…do you think Petey and Harry are going overboard?”

Sally Avril waves the younger girl off, “It's a party Liz! Let them have their fun!” She throws a ping pong ball into one of the cups at the opposite side and groans when it misses. “Your turn.”

The girl rolls her eyes and grabs a ping pong ball and throws it, landing it in a cup.

“Yes!” Sally pumps her fists in the air.

“Ugh! It's not fair!” One the opponents whine, “She's not even drinking!”

“Too damn bad!” 

Liz huffs and turns back towards the boy who is now being held up by his legs as he handstands on a keg while Harry holds the tap to his mouth.

Her face twists in worry when after a minute he's still drinking. She hesitantly takes a step forward before pulling herself back and rubs her arm. 

She doesn't want to be one of those girls who ruins their boyfriend's fun. The young cheerleader shallows in worry when Peter is still drinking after two minutes.

“Fucking christ! How hasn't he tapped out?!” Someone yells as they hold their phone up, recording everything.

Eventually he’s pulled away and is placed back onto his feet, he sways again before burping and raises a fist in the air like he just won a boxing match.




Liz finally walks over as the genius is being pushed around in comradery. He's smiling so wide, she would be surprised if it wasn't hurting his face, “Petey?” She lightly grazes his wrist.

He turns and his wild eyes soften, “Liz.” He takes her hand and laughs. “Isn't this amazing? God, I can't believe how much fun I'm having! How much everyone loves me.” The absolute wonder in his voice is clear to hear.

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