S1 E8: Skeleton Key

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At the Flaming Foundry, the Bull Clones continue to dig up the tomb. The Bull Clones noticed a blue spirit as they hear a whisper. An explosion occurs, causing the Bull Clones to be blown back. The Demon Bull King walks up to the tomb and try's to open it, but it blocks him from doing so.

Demon Bull King: "Another infernal obstacle keeping me from my destiny!"

Princess Iron Fan: "Patience, my love."

Demon Bull King: "I've been patient long enough. I need that power!"

Princess Iron Fan gives him a questioning look before Princess Iron Fan walks up to the tomb and placing her hand on the tomb.

Princess Iron Fan: "The power that crafted this tomb is beyond my skill. Without an artifact of equal strength, there is nothing we can do. We're locked out."

Red Son: "Not for long! All we need is a key and look what I found."

The screen shows a key with a skull on it before the scene changes to Pigsy's Noodles as Mei, Tang, Pigsy, Boarus and Liùer watch as the Mayor speaks from a small podium and MK stands next to the Mayor.

Mayor: "Thank you for this amazing turnout."

Mei: "Woo-hoo! Let's hear it for Monkie Kid! Hero of the city!"

Liùer: "What about me? *mutters under his breath* I helped him save the city too."

Tang: "I'm sure they want to hear about the hero more than the warrior who has an attitude."

Liùer says nothing before he pulls up his hood over his head as he looked away from where the small podium stood.

Mayor: "As mayor, I hereby give Monkie Kid the key to our fair city."

He gives MK the skeleton key before a blue light echos the room.

MK: "Um, uh, what does this key do, exactly?"

Mayor: "Oh, you'll love this. It has the power to open anything!"

Mei: "*gets uncomfortably close to his face* Ooh, anything? Like a pet shop full of puppies?"

Mayor: "Yes. Or the door to a lion's cage, or an orphan's piggy bank, an imprisoned mystic power source. Whatever you like! *chuckles weirdly* Today, you can do no wrong. You've got my permission. 'Cause I'm the mayor!"

He laughs like a manic before he disappears into blue smoke.

Mei: "Huh. I'm starting to think, that's maybe not the mayor."

MK: "Wow. A key that can open anything. Hey Liùer, what think I should-? *notices that Liùer is not in noodle shop* Liùer? Uh Pigsy, where did he go?"

Pigsy: "Don't know, he said that he had to feed his cat right now."

MK: "How is that-? *gasps* He's upset!"

Mei: "What?"

Tang: "Excuse me?"

Pigsy: "Huh?"

Boarus: "Pardon?"

MK: "Oh man, something made him upset and he used the excuse to leave!"

Tang: "But why would he be upset right now?"

Pigsy: "*sarcastically* Gee, I wonder why indeed? *glares at Tang*"

MK: "*groans* I need to find something to help Liùer feel better!"

Mei: "Then I'm coming with you! He's my friend too, so let's look around and try to find something for Liùer!"

Lego Monkie Kid (OC and Genderbend Insert)Where stories live. Discover now