Chapter Sixteen

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"Cam," I say on reflex. Without a balcony between us, this man is terrifying. I can't believe I ordered him around before. "I'm new."

"No kidding," he says, still smiling. "Plucked you out when they grabbed your friend, did they?"

I'm glad he suggested it first. I suppose it's far more logical than the idea that I would run down here for help.

I nod.

"This your room?" he asks, turning back to the cell.

With sudden relief I realise he doesn't care about me. Perhaps this isn't the first time he's seen a normal citizen transition. I'm already on the bottom of the pecking order, maybe he simply isn't interest in revenge. I never made him do anything too bad anyway.

"Yeah," I say, refocusing on the issue of why he is searching the cell. "Is there a problem?"

"Sure is," he says, chewing on something that looks like brown gum. "Any ideas what it might be?"

I stare at him. His eyes aren't on me, but I'd be a fool to think he wasn't watching me. "Not a clue," I say in what I hope to be a casual voice. "Did you lose something?" I mentally kick myself in the shins. That wasn't the tone I was going for.

He turns to me, his eyes sharp. "Sass, you reckon?" He says, his clipped accent thick around the short words. "You think sass is an appropriate choice right now?"

"I didn't mean to sound rude," I say apologetically. "I guess I just don't know why you would be searching my cell."

His men turn around, their search complete.

He smirks. "You're good. Lucky for you, you're also clean." He turns and pushes past me.

"Wait," I say, cursing my curiosity and lying to myself that it is justified because knowledge is power, and I am dangerously short of power down here.

Danny turns. His men halt, waiting for orders, but he shoos them forward. "I'm waiting," he says.

"Can I know what you're searching for?" I ask, watching his eyes carefully. I force a grin. "I want to be prepared if there's another fight coming."

He grins and keeps chewing on the brown gum. "Prepared to hide, or prepared to fight?" he asks, not wanting an answer. "I'm searching for the bastards that are trying to leave."

I'm shocked. It must show on my face because Danny frowns, like he is unsure how to read my reaction. Then the expression passes.

"Might get you on maintenance and repair work later, Cam," he says casually as his goons leave to start on the next cell. "I could use a new bookshelf."

My face pales as his eyes meet mine. After a long pause, he turns and walks out. I don't call him back this time.

I walk into the room, but damned if I know how I could sleep after that encounter. What was he searching for that would give it away?

I suddenly remember the match boxes in Maggie's pocket. If people were planning on leaving, they would need supplies. I'd been thinking about grabbing supplies just minutes ago. Nick was right. Danny is easily the kind of man to take note of theft. And it seems like he has followers all through the community who would report anything out of order.

I wonder if I should go back and tell Nick, but Danny is still searching this corridor. If he sees me leave my room when I just came back it might look suspicious. With the room so bare, there isn't even an excuse for dropping in except that I'm on a sleeping shift. I lie down on the bed and close my eyes.

A soft scratching sound makes me open them again quickly. My heart-rate slows when I realise it is only Clay.

"Ssh," I whisper to him through the vent, looking at the door to see if Danny has come back.

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