Chapter Eighteen

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I sneak a glance at Danny. He isn't watching, but I definitely don't feel safe. "Let's talk about it after the party," I say, trying to look casual as I arrange the glasses.

Nick nods. "We're going to have to wait for the right moment anyway. That could be days. But we need to start planning."

I ignore him, because as much as I hate to admit it, I'm scared. I turn back to the drinks, part of me relieved at the thought that I may soon be out of here, and part of me terrified at actually doing it.

After a few hours, two new Lessers come to relieve us.

"Thank god," I mutter to Nick. "Now I can get some food to Clay."

"Not yet, you can't," Nick replies. He nods his head subtly in the direction of the stage, and I see Danny watching us.

"Oh," I say, looking down at my clothing covered in pink paint. They are a far cry from the neon extravagances I see twirling around out there right now. "Right." I look up at the rest of the party, which is one massive dance floor. "So we should dance?"

"We should at least mingle." He looks at me. "And smile." He forces a grin that is quite terrifying in the dim lighting.

"This is really messed up," I say, shaking my head and following.

Nick leads the way to a group of Lessers I hadn't noticed before. Deer in headlights, every one.

"Not on duty?" Nick asks as he sits down.

They shake their heads. I sit down on a seat next to Nick's, slightly unsure what I'm meant to be doing.

"But you know how it is," a woman in probably her late twenties says to Nick, smiling a similar smile to his own.

"You're not out there dancing?" Nick says with a grin.

A few of them laugh. The woman Nick is talking to laughs the loudest. "And get elbowed and glared at and completely squashed? I don't think so. At least over here we have a chance of a good time."

Nick raises his eyebrows and laughs. He seems to see me then, looking awkward and annoyed. "Everyone, this is Cam. Cam, this is Jo, Ben, Ellie, Meg and Melissa," he indicates the woman he is speaking to last.

I wave.

"I haven't seen you before," Melissa says with a frown.

Christ, does everyone here expect to know each other? I think to myself.

"Her group was outcast," Nick says. The rest of them mutter sympathetically, while I am forced to reassess: does everyone down here belong to some kind of group or clique? That would explain why they feel they should know everyone. They probably only get new members after the testing.

Melissa laughs unpleasantly. "Looks to me like she's outcast too."

I bristle, but before I can say anything she keeps talking. "We all are, aren't we?"

"Mel," Nick says warningly.

"Oh, I don't care," Melissa say, waving her hand. The person next to her, I think her name was Meg, says something to her, but I can't catch it. Melissa turns away from us and starts speaking to Meg.

"Come on, I think we should dance," Nick says to me quietly.

"Huh?" I ask, confused. "What happened to being elbowed and glared at?"

"Come on," Nick says again and stands up. I sneak a glance at the rest of the group, but they are busy talking, so it doesn't feel so much like abandoning them. I join him on the edge of the dance floor.

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